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Everything posted by jtay

  1. Currently 5.1C and that's where it should stay now for the night. Breeze is picking up. Finally got to postcrete my retaining slope wall in, as it's no longer freezing. Now sat out with a pint, but it still feels cold, so won't be out for long.
  2. 'Hügelkultur (pronounced “hoogle-culture”) is German for “hill culture.” Hügelkultur entails growing crops on a raised, earthen mound that consists of a foundation of fresh or rotting logs and branches covered in layers of manure, compostable materials and soil' Here's ours. Certainly warmed us up. They'll grow squash in it in the Summer.
  3. Send us some pics when it's light beka. -2.4C already here. Left my Yorkshire pudding batter outside to rest. It'll be frozen soon, at this rate.
  4. Strangely enough, I chose to do a garden design project for my GCSE D&C coursework. Then forgot about that to get into engineering and now IT. Yet here I am 30 years later, revisiting it all again. Funny old game.
  5. That's what I asked last week, but it's only design. No practical or planting element at all. We're 4 blokes, 7 women, but my new mate is on hols tomorrow, so down to 3.
  6. Yes, but I think RHS Level 2 will repeat a lot of what we've done. Will do Level 3 at some point, but it's not on a Friday this year. TBH I started the course to get cracking at home, but I've enjoyed working with the others so much, I'm keen to get out there in some shape, or form.
  7. Are you still busy gardening this time of year? I sent in my application to volunteer on a Friday at Horatio's Garden, at Salisbury Hospital this morning; having realised that I finish at Sparsholt next week .
  8. Take comfort in the fact that the South Western execs are currently burning yours and everyone elses cash, to keep themselves warm.
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