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Soaring Hawk

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    Bedfordshire/Herts border 40m asl
  • Interests
    Making it to another day. Keeping the children out of prison.
    Staying anonymous. Growing old disgracefully.
  • Weather Preferences
    Cold, crisp, calm and sunny

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  1. Same with my cats, the youngster even managed to hurl herself up on top of a 6 foot high wardrobe (we have high ceiling which is why she hasn't got concussion), she now yowling and trying to climb through an unopened downstairs door. The two older are also unsettled and flying around bouncing off the walls. Either the rapidly falling pressure, or the cat food claim of giving vitality is spot on..
  2. I remember some late night/overnight chats with you, often wide awake if I'd been out on a cardiac arrest or other difficult call and needing to unwind. Hopefully you've successfully transitioned and enjoying your new life? Have missed being able to call this another ice day by the smallest of margins, getting one reading of 0.1°C . Currently -3.2°C.
  3. Goodness me, I remember these! That's a blast from the past Tom; we used to have a lot of laughs. Wow was it really 15 years ago! Meanwhile its crept up to -3.3°C here.
  4. Low of -8.8°C, not as cold as previous night but the house feels colder this morning. So glad I'm still on sick leave and don't have to sit in the east facing study all day, surgically attached to the computer in these temperatures. MetO app on phone says it will be a balmy +2°C here today. Shall await to see if it's accurate and the snow starts to melt. In some ways I hope not, although the smart meter scares me every time I see how much we are spending each day, despite being frugal by wearing about 5 layers and wrapping the dog and cat in fleeces.
  5. Don't think tonight's lowest temperature will beat last night's as cloud expected at some points during the night. Weather station has recorded lows of -8.1°C and -7.5°C on Monday and Tuesday nights, although last night lowest temp was -9.5°C at 06:30 We only had just under 3" of laying snow by Monday morning but today has been the third consecutive ice day this week, and snow had only diminished a bit during Monday afternoon. Yesterday and today have been beautiful in the winter sunshine - I sent these photos on the family WhatsApp thread; sister in Australia said the snow scenes have Alpine clarity and "loved the contrast between the bright blue sky, snowy trees and garden, they are really beautiful and I have the strongest urge to run across your pristine lawn and scatter the snow everywhere". She can jolly well stay in her 33 degrees, the philistine! Spot the dog (and cat). My dog has carefully managed to drape his white throw around him as he wanders around the house. He's been constantly picking it up and handing it to me as though he needs tucking in each time, then struts around manfully throwing it off the moment he sees my mobile ready to snap him looking like one of the shepherds' sheep in a new born scene of Baby Jesus, the little sod (my dog, not Baby Jesus!).
  6. Evening all. Some beautiful snow pictures on here today. Some worthy of Christmas cards Long time no see due to working long hours then in hospital as emergency admission from middle of November until a week or so ago (nothing to do with work; a stomach problem that went from nothing to serious in less than 12 hours). Finally got enough energy to photograph a couple of elusive sunsets and been reading your lovely posts today. Our overnight low was -6.2°C with thick freezing fog all morning and today's high was -2.2°C. Have just downloaded the latest stats and we've warmed up to -1.9°C with a dew point of -2.7. Not sure if my village will get any snow tonight; think we could be a wee bit too north but even if we don't, it's been lovely looking at the first ice day I can remember for a long time and your photos. The cobwebs on the gazebo frame have such a lot of frost they look like macrame. Today's thread takes me back to 2005 - 2009 when the banter thread updated faster than I could add a post; its lovely to see the enthusiasm and advice about travelling and the joy of the photos - has lifted my mood more than any painkillers! For those of you with snow, hope you get out and about safely in the morning - take care.
  7. Hi all, hope everyone is well? Long time since I've been on net weather. Took a week to find out family in Florida survived the hurricane. They did, with flooding but house remained intact thankfully, then got Covid for the second time and have been unwell for a month. It feels a lot like summer *she hums* I thought I'd misread weather data Wednesday when we got to 20°C, Thursday 20.6°C, yesterday dropped to 18.5°C but today my weather station recorded 22°C, and still 19°C at 7pm! I'd been in the garden in a short sleeve T shirt but with leaves gently dropping all around, hadn't realised it was that warm. Seems very odd on the cusp of November. Have a photo of my back garden taken at 07:05 on 3rd November last year with frost on the grass (and a lot more leaves on the trees than is left now). Had a nice sunrise on Thursday - view from landing window. Dreading the clocks going back tonight, it'll be dark at 5pm very soon.
  8. I can’t bear to watch that Naples storm surge. It’s the closest town to Marco Island where I have family living and who weren’t able to get across the bridge before the authorities closed it for safety reasons after power cuts kicked in and emergency services withdrew. We had a WhatsApp explaining that at 7am our time, so bridge was closed during Tuesday night their time? Think there were very long queues as still lots of tourists on the island. Then lost contact until one message came through about an hour ago that the water was around 2 feet from his house. They were about to get into the loft. No idea when that was actually sent though because messages back to his phone don’t have the two tick delivery. Feeling sick with anxiety as not sure how/if their single storey house will survive this.
  9. Stunning photos Iceman. After a warm and muggy day with top temperature of 20°C here, a period of drizzle started just at evening dog walk time. I stayed at home to watch the solemn and moving live TV coverage of the Queen's return to RAF Northolt. Just at the moment she was carefully placed in the hearse and its began to leave the runway a glorious light suddenly flooded the drawing room, replacing the gathering gloom. It felt like Nature's beautiful way of saying Welcome Back From Your Beloved Scotland. (I posted this photo in the Queen's thread earlier)
  10. Tis the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness here this morning. Feeling autumnal here for the first time this year.
  11. Pretty sky when setting off for last evening's dog walk, taken at 20.33, a sad reminder of how quickly it gets dark now, with that 'big bird flying north' cloudscape only 13 minutes later.
  12. Feel for you as any recent rain has also managed to carefully bypass us. Have been increasingly worried about the lack of rain and miserable about how the 40 degree temps burned the runner beans, peas and most of the other vegetables. Now feel a bit guilty because it started with a few drops just after 6am and increased to steady rain with at a rate of 2.4mm. If our shrubs and trees could shout with delight I’m sure it would be deafening. Saw one faint flash of what could have been lightning during the dog walk. Have fingers crossed for you @Blazerblue
  13. After a horribly humid early morning dog walk, the cloud slowly cleared during the morning and by midday humidity was just below 70% and continued to fall rapidly, in line with temperature rising rapidly. So by 17:30 when we reached our top temp today of 29.9°C with humidity of 48% it felt quite nice outside** Looking forward to the evening walk now. My met office app is again showing heavy rain tomorrow morning, let's see if this time we get any **couldn't imagine myself thinking that blazing sunshine and almost 30 degrees of heat would feel quite nice before this summer changed my perception of a comfortable summer's day.
  14. Hopes went up went dog walking this evening with this sky and a sudden brisk breeze. Unfortunately no rain at all. Today's top temp was 26.5°C at 15:18 . Current temperature is 24.1 with 73% humidity. Wind from SW with 2 minute average at 3.9mph, over 10 minutes average is 4.2mph. Feeling too warm and sticky in the house again. Pressure currently 1014.7hPa rising slowly.
  15. My father has often talked about the views from Brompton Barracks - he served in the Royal Engineers Corp.
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