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Everything posted by MP-R

  1. In Absence of True Seasons Tbh this month so far has felt quite normal for March, it’s just on the back of such a protracted pants period so feels a lot worse! Ive had a gale force wind, hail, thunder, snow, frost, a sunny day (yday) and a bog standard naff day today and it’s only the 04th.
  2. Wet, windy with the added bonus that it’s also chilly. Noice…
  3. East Lancs Rain So to conclude… we ain’t got a clue
  4. Summer8906 Probably better tbh as last August really wasn’t that bad, the weather just misbehaved at weekends. During the week it was sunny and warm.
  5. Addicks Fan 1981 well at least all those years had good Augusts, which has often been a bogey month in recent times.
  6. damianslaw Not often we want a stronger Atlantic to get the cold in! Just shows what rotten luck we had this winter.
  7. Earthshine Yeah that would have been an absolute classic! I meant if we just erased last July lol, and May happened in June, June happened in July, then August and September were as they were. That would have removed the bogey month and perceptions of the summer overall would be much better.
  8. Fen Wolf Ever thought of the Alps? Been there a few times in summer and, although it does get hot, it’s rarely humid and the air quality is fantastic. Sometimes you can get naff days too, and some wonderful thunderstorms!
  9. Lovely day out there so far. One of those days that doesn’t feel like winter anymore but not quite spring either.
  10. CryoraptorA303 people who challenge you are not wind up merchants. That sort of mindset suggests maybe a forum isn’t the place for you. Try a more constructive approach and keep it friendly.
  11. In Absence of True Seasons So really a Worryingly Wet thread should’ve appeared in July
  12. Didn’t have to go far to find snow. Just driven to Oxford and between Avonmouth and just before Swindon, some decent amounts of snow, then suddenly nothing.
  13. 1st March and the first day of actual weather in what seems like ages! Already had two huge hailstorms, one with a rumble of thunder (also first of the year). Couldn’t be more March if you tried!
  14. Summer 2019 was much better convectively here. Thunder in all 3 summer months, whereas August 2007 was basically devoid of convective activity as high pressure ruled the roost most of the time. They were also very different summers overall. June 2019 was kinda like 2007 in reverse but the poor weather was worse and the good weather was better. There’s no comparison between the Julys as 2019 was good and 2007 was abysmal. August 2019’s unsettled weather was essentially crammed into the middle third with some good weather initially and a great late summery spell in the final third.
  15. lassie23 Yes please. That’s my birthday!
  16. Dorsetbred crazy to think that the coldest I felt was on the 1st/2nd December… ( the January spell fell perfectly during the time I was abroad ) so I’ve essentially not experienced a winter this year. Just a perma autumn. Good riddance to it!
  17. Wold Topper Quite right. As the saying goes, the loudest opinion is typically the weakest.
  18. raz.org.rain Ah ok I hear you! It reminds me of the times my cousins from Brazil complain how dry the air is here… it blew their mind when I said the humidity is similar to where they live, just at a lower temperature
  19. Sherry If mild in this country presented itself more like southern Europe ie more settled, sunny and dry… I’m sure more people would enjoy it. Myself included. Unfortunately mild normally means dull and wet here, which has characterised almost the entirety of this winter. I do agree, however, that now we are moving into spring, it’s time to stop chasing cold and start looking for more seasonal conditions.
  20. raz.org.rain typical Guardian. We’ve never been a ‘cold’ country and there’s always been the need to deal with heat!
  21. Summer8906 Until this year I’d agree with sunnier. Since I started records, the cooler 2007-2013 years formed a duller period then 2014 onwards it’s become sunnier again… until the last 8 months!
  22. Yes if anything I’d say it’s not unusual at all to have good/great summers back to back. There’s always one less good one out of a pair. If May and June last year had been in June & July then we had August (& September although not summer), it could’ve been the ‘less good but still good’ one of a 2022/2023 pair.
  23. East Lancs Rain that forecast looks like such a cop out
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