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Spikecollie last won the day on July 15 2016

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Haute Vienne, Limousin, France (404m ASL)
  • Interests
    Travelling, hill walking, cycling, swimming, the natural world, politics, good food and wine.
  • Weather Preferences
    Warm and sunny with night time t-storms

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  1. An incredible week of storms here in Haute Vienne. A supercell on Sunday evening which gave golf ball sized hail and storms of lesser magnitude every day after. Sunday's storm was not as damaging as those that some places have had this week but we have many dents in the car, some chipped roof slates and we lost quite a lot of pears and apples. Thankfully the greenhouse is plastic and just got some pockmarks in the roof. Sunday's storm has been a talking point in the village, as we are usually quite protected here, and many of the older folks say they have never seen anything like it before...
  2. We have one metre lignes of gaffer tape now in all the supermarkets at the checkouts and everyone is respecting them. This supermarket business has to stop and it will only stop with action first from the supermarkets and if that doesn't work from the law.
  3. Didn't even bother looking tonight. I knew it would be like that. They are only the "measured" cases, remember. This ghastly thing is rampant among us.
  4. Chill for the moment Matty. My OH got a really horrible, normal cold last week which I knew was a horrible, normal cold by way of the symptoms. He got himself into an awful state, as I have done before, convincing himself he was short of breath. It was all down to anxiety and panic as he was much calmer when we talked on the phone. He is now fine and looking forward (hopefully) to being back with us here in France on Sunday.
  5. Matty, the non-verbal treatment of your Fiancée is utterly disgusting. This has been happening all over Europe and is a manifestation of the society of cultural ignorance in which we live. Sadly, it is also, along with the other abnormal behaviours we are seeing, a manifestation of fear. Forgive them, for they know not what they do...
  6. Agreed, Matty, if they won't behave in a socially responsible manner they are going to have to made to behave. How much bloody fresh produce can you hoard for sense's sake?
  7. They do eat a lot of meat over there, especially processed meats, although that is changing as I have found on my work visits in recent years. It is now possible to get very good veggie/fish based meals compared to 10/20 years ago.
  8. Crikey, I have only just looked at the currency exchange numbers. The € is 1.08 to the £ - the lowest I have seen it in a very long time and $1.18 to the £.
  9. "A small number of staff at the UK prime minister's office are self isolating due to symptoms of the coronavirus, the BBC's political editor Laura Kuenssberg reports. She understands none of those isolating have been in close proximity to Boris Johnson. People with symptoms are advised to isolate for seven days if they live alone or 14 days if they live with others. It comes as one of the UK's leading epidemiologists, Prof Neil Ferguson, said he developed symptoms of the virus after spending time in Downing Street on Monday. He described Westminster and central London as a "hotbed" for Covid-19." (Source: BBC live)
  10. I went to Carrefour in Bénévant l'Abbeye on the way home from work this lunchtime (slight deviation but I have an attestation) to get some extra dog food that Mylo really likes. Plenty of dog food. Little soap, no toilet roll and meats and cheeses very low. Some pasta but only the more expensive brands. Chilled foods like ham and yoghurts seem to be disappearing too. One thing people sem to be ignoring regarding stocking up is laundry products - I have made sure I have enough to wash clothes for a month but haven't hoarded. Cashiers were wearing plastic gloves but not changing them after each customer - clearly ignoring the ability of the virus to survive on plastic and unlike my local shop they were not disinfecting the card machine after each use. I made a point of using my sanitiser after touching the machine and I hope it was noted. Very quiet on the roads around here today but I didn't encounter and checkpoints. EDIT: I'm sitting in the glorious sunshine outside at the moment and about to do some gardening...
  11. I'll share this story with you as it has really hit home with me. I went to visit one of my few remaining clients this morning - a man in his 70s with advanced Parkison's disease who finds it difficult to communicate, feed himself and manage his home. His house was once beautiful but is now delapidated. When I arrived, there were flies absolutely all over the kitchen and the floor was filthy along with a smell of rotting food. He was wearing Crocs covered in mud from having been in the garden and the mud was all over the floors and the on the coffee table where he rests his feet while watching drivel on the TV all day. The reason is that he is now limited to one visit a day and as of an hour ago none. He gets a nurse visit in the evening but they don't do any cleaning or cooking. He is just about able to cook for himself but caused a frying pan fire a couple of weeks ago when I was there that I had to put out. Normally on afriday myself and/or my colleagues prepare all this meals for the weekend and every day he gets a midday meal made and one for the evening. I vacuumed the entire house and washed the floors and cleaned his shoes. I washed his face which was covered in dried food and saliva. He has a cat for company but there was cat litter and cat poo all over the floor near it where he had tried to clean the tray. This is just one person. How many more are there who are innocent but evident victims of this beastly situation?
  12. They'll have to be kept in, like the kids are being kept in here in France. No youngsters wandering around but plenty playing in the sunshine in gardens. No footbalL games happening, no gathering in play areas. I guess there will be a real upsurge in technology addiction and dependence. I do feel sorry for parents.
  13. I'm going to bed to snuggle up with doglet and dream of happy things. Hope you all can dream of happy things too...
  14. Yes, I'm pretty proud of my body for a 54 year old! I have used the hills around here as my "green gym" for running and cycling and they provide perfect interval training. I wasn't always like this but now I respect my body and love how it feels to be fit and healthy. No one knows though, what this affliction could do to them. Keep up the good work for your body, our health and fitness is all we have got against this (as I keep saying) "thing that has come among us". Stocks of toilet paper won't hack it! BTW: unlike two days go, OH reports that the local Sainsbury's was totally devoid of stock. Everything from meat and pasta to bog roll. He talked to a senior staff member who said it was crazy but that they restock every night just to be stripped again the next day. Where could all the meat be going? Have people bought extra freezers and put them in their garages? I think there is a lot of wastage going on and that is shameful...
  15. I'm always a bit wary of people who are obviously cold infected but never bother about an odd cough or sneeze. Now, I turn away immediately and wait for the culprit to depart!
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