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  1. Are these storms part of the Warm Front or is it Thundery Showers that have developed (a trough) within the unstable humid air that’s pushed up from the European Continent?
  2. The pubs in Scotland reopened later than down south and it was outside only and I’m sure this was in May after a nice enough sunny April. When pubs opened May had turned into what we should get in April. It was colder and the April shower theme happened in May with very few bothering about the pubs due to it being too cold outside. Took until end of May until temps recovered and finally got a heatwave for most of June and by that time we could drink indoors but with the social distance with 2 at a table etc and many tables separated beyond 2 metres.
  3. August 2007 was the best month of the summer here. It was a dreadful summer with below average temps and lots of rain but August was drier and warmer with one warm and sunny day reaching 25c. Autumn arrived early this year for the trees however I do remember a calm autumn as for colours this was one of the best autumnal displays I had seen here and many trees weren’t bare until December so a good autumn to be fair lacking the deep Atlantic Lows we usually get late in the year.
  4. I remember 2009 April was a good month and a good bit of May. Last few weeks of June into July brought warm and sunny weather and by mid July it was the end of summer with a cloudy day (temps of 29/30c) with Thundery Rain pushing through (which came to nothing) clearing with fresher weather. It did bring some welcomed rain but rest of July, August and into September was wet.. This took us into the big freeze of the 2009/10 winter.
  5. 2007 was an awful summer. I remember the 2006/07 winter being quite mild and spring arriving much earlier. Both April and most of May were great but that was it. That summer was dull, wet with well below average temperatures. August was a slight improvement with an unexpected day reaching 25c in Glasgow but that was it. I also remember not only diseased trees but the majority of trees turned autumnal that August a good month before they would normally change colour. Dare say this was due to the below average temps and wet weather . This was also a summer central heating was used on a number of occasions.
  6. Yes was hail here and heard the thunder after the shower had passed. Quite windy too and looks bitter out there.
  7. Summer 2021 up here in West of Scotland was actually a good summer. We didn’t beat in records but for weeks of sunny and dry weather this was a good one.. May was a dreadful once. We came out of lockdown partially and could only use pubs outdoors for drinking. May was awful for this and the up until the last few days it was very cold month with frequent wintry showers so not warm in anyway. Come the final week of May the tables turned with much warmer weather and sunshine which was due too. This carried on right into nearly the full month of June.. There was several blips during July but the decent weather returned after early August and this continued into September. It was unusual for warm and dry weather in August but it turned out a good month with the high pressure continuing into the September. 2022 turned into a decent summer further east but much more cloudier days here with Eastern Scotland getting much sunnier summer as often our winds were SW/W that summer and High Pressure brought a lot more cloudy weather or fronts pushing to the west adding to it.
  8. 2018 brought 2 great May Holiday weekends which you would never expect up here in West of Scotland both had NE/E winds on the holiday Mondays which burnt back low cloud to give great days around the West Coast with the Late May holiday being the best one.. May then June that year were great with the June making record temps.. NW Scotland May to mid July brought some fantastic not only dry weather but extremely sunny and warm weather. Spoke to a guy who always toured the UK (was from Birmingham) who hired a boat for NW Scotland during that time said it’s the first time ever he had 14 days of total dry and sunny weather something he never got elsewhere as it would rain at somepoint during his holiday in UK regardless of how Hot or sunny it was.
  9. Staying in the West of Scotland both these summers were good. I remember June 2006 the World Cup was hosted in Germany and each evening it was dry and sunny nearly throughout full tournament. July was a dry month with little rainfall and hot sunny days. Unfortunately August was a damp squib much cooler and also much wetter up here. 2018 had a fantastic May and June with June recording highest June temps ever at 32c.. Start of July also great but come final fortnight then into August it was quite wet and summer was long gone. A difficult one to choose from.. 2006 was more Thundery compared to 2018 which seen little of that weather here and was a drier summer. 2018 for me the better summer..
  10. Have to agree and it’s got depressing. It’s like Summer 2007 where there was no summer basically.
  11. Not had much at all here today. Still muggy but few drops this afternoon and more in the way of light rain this evening as the cold front passes
  12. Saturday evening seen storms to the south and west of EK and again yesterday (Monday) was even closer but still brought zero measurable rainfall the odd droplet of rain which done nothing . Although some more widespread rain showers fell overnight early Sunday morning was just enough to keep the grass green. Usually a prolonged spell of dry weather would see grass going brown but it’s not been so bad. Mind you past 2 weeks seen lot more cloud move in from North Sea overnight and some days it lingered well into the afternoons before it burnt away until dusk so grass not as scorched as perhaps other parts of Western Scotland are.
  13. Glasgow had a Thundery Shower yesterday at teatime producing some hail, thunder and torrential rain.
  14. Still snowing in EK bit more steadily just now both pavement and road now white but more like a slushy surface
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