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I remember Atlantic 252

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Everything posted by I remember Atlantic 252

  1. amazed at GFS only predicting 22C for my location for tuesday! looks warmer than that, or maybe because it's too late for real heat
  2. unusual day, virtually clear skies for 3 hours off a westerly, not expecting it to last though
  3. you're in South nick! been good summer there, but members north of Birmingham had it rough windy and westerly
  4. everyone different, but cooler and wetter make pollen allergies worse for me, normally fine the hotter and drier it is, normally starts after Wimbledon, through to early Sept
  5. not me Mark, I'm aware that the models underestimate the Atlantic
  6. know someone going tomorrow from Walton, Stafford, great timing for weather 26C, where I'll be stuck under 17C and grey
  7. thing is, models always seem to underestimate the Atlantic, mostly in winter, but August is an Atlantic dominated month
  8. you are in a better area than me, exposed to Cheshire gap here, dry day for Leeds today no doubt, don't mind what we have as long as it's not the worst setup the NW'ly 3 day summer next week, then likely back to Atlantic crap
  9. definite 'tues wed' plume then again, like the last 2 really, not bothered either way, but would rather the Atlantic wasn't too strong, by end of next week
  10. looks like a repeat of this July, Mon to Wed 18th to 20th, tues was peak of the heat, where as Wed, the Atlantic broke through but still warm at 25C, then much cooler Thurs also June 29th to July 1st '15, Mon to Wed, peak of the heat, at least in the west was Tues 30th, maybe 1st for the east, much cooler Thurs 2nd, both plumes broke down here at least with a whimper
  11. yes, I have been monitoring Sunday, 12Z had around 17C here and rain, not much change on 00Z
  12. this Wednesday 10th Aug looks an absolute shocker, vile NW'lys, cheshire Gap showers streaming in all day, cold and windy and will feel like November but yes lassie, this thread for members north of Watford, SE on Wed 10th just look like having an average summer day, 21C, dry with light winds
  13. opposite to a winter 'toppler' fridays usually, and only Scotland seems to see snow
  14. bbc seems to be going with ECM, maybe GFS is underestimating the Atlantic, it often does
  15. not seen video bbc weather go out that far I dont think, kinda weather for week after, as week ahead is kinda this one
  16. bit like when a northerly breaks down with a whimper for the south
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