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Jon Somerset

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Everything posted by Jon Somerset

  1. The Bristol storm may be making its way down to us. Keeping an eye on this!
  2. A cell is just passing by with some lovely rumbles. Best we’ve had in ages, but not directly over.
  3. I’m still living off yesterday’s sun. I drank it in like a camel! Rain bearing clouds seem to be losing power as they come up to Somerset and it’s still dry. Looking forward to some milder weather next week.
  4. Amazed to have a decent morning in my locality. Best in ages. Just a light breeze, and pleasant enough to sit out.
  5. It has stayed dry here today . Plenty of cloud but with the odd brighter break and a hazy brighter orb observable through the thinner layers. We might even have sun and decent early May temperatures tomorrow!
  6. Fabulous high of 12C here today but signs of improvement tomorrow.
  7. Well the thunderstorms missed my area completely AGAIN. Remarkably we’ve not had any come over near us for two years now despite the increased activity. Just rumbles in the distance. The heavy rain did come, and apart for two hours break over yesterday lunchtime we’ve had precipitation of some sort since Monday night. Should stop later.
  8. In Absence of True Seasons …and here it’s 10C and I have my heating on. Remarkable difference.
  9. According to met office Somerset remains under cloud for the foreseeable future. Looks like the south-west and upper east coast will be complaining while everyone else basks in warm spring sunshine.
  10. SunnyG well I’m cold in Somerset- stuck at max 10C.
  11. It’s cold in nearly all Europe presently . I remember a cold start - I think 1974? I lived in the north-west UK at the time and we were all cold throughout April and into early May, and snow fell and settled in the Pennines about May 10th. We had a heatwave about two weeks later and a decent summer.
  12. I finally got to sit out in the garden at 4 pm and within minutes the cold front came rolling in with dark clouds and reduced temperature. I’ve got my jumper on again but at least I’ve got the lawn mown.
  13. Big difference across the country today - no sun at all in Somerset and grimmer than it was yesterday.
  14. Minimal sun here today. We had a brief sojourn into the warmth yesterday while I was out shopping in town but as soon as I got home the heavy clouds came back along with the winds, and the temperature dropped down to the point I had my fire on again. Windy but not horrific here today, but drizzle coming through again.
  15. Unbelievably the storm utterly petered out before it got here. Remarkable. And excessively disappointing.
  16. Well it seems I’m just about to have the Mother of all storms - considering my last comment…..
  17. Very disappointing here. We were forecast dry and 24C for the afternoon but the drizzle hasn’t stopped and it’s only reached 18. And still no thunderstorms which is a vast irritant this year.
  18. It could be worse. After a good deal of cloud over lunch-time it’s cleared here and we had some strong sun for a while. Hopefully the grot will be pushed north next weekend.
  19. Not one thunderstorm over my house this year so far. Deeply disappointed. Just one nearby rumble early May.
  20. I’m just returned home from Languedoc where it was about 31 most days on the beach - which I’m fine with. But it rained one day! I seem to have brought a brief plume of sorts back with me. Not looking great for BH - but I remember two years where the ONLY hot weather occured on the August late BH weekend. One was 2013 I think but I might be wrong….
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