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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. Forget sledges, we put a body board inside one of those big thick plastic sacks and it goes very fast. Last time it snowed people on the hill kept asking if they could borrow because their sledges were rubbish in comaprison!
  2. And that's fine but i wanted to know what evidence Village had for his claims.
  3. I just saw this, this morning. Can you imagine if 10ft of snow fell on the UK in 48hours. Havoc would not be the word.
  4. Had some lenticular over this way too Coast. Anyone would be forgiven for thinking this was a March morning.
  5. By the same bloke who predicted the early Januray storms would be like doomsday and bring unimaginable destruction. That website is lol-a-rific, full of people who spend far too much time in their bedrooms smoking weed.
  6. Sorry where is the evidence of this? Reading between the lines is not evidence. Do you have any reports or per reviewed papers that back this up?
  7. So if the supplies aren't running out, why are they constantly seeking out new sources? What is your evidence for your claims? You sound a little like a conspiracy theorist.
  8. I think you're probably right, although I reckon more March time. Still got my snow shovel and blankets in the car just in case. Always best to be prepared!
  9. I understand now, thanks very much. Thanks to the others who trnaslated the gobble-dee-gook of the charts for me.
  10. Forgive me as I am still a novice when it comes to charts, but what are they currently indicating. I have read but I don't understand :blush:
  11. You know, i don't think there has been a day yet this winter that has truly felt like a winters day. It's just been too warm to have that bitterness of a winters day.
  12. But don't you see sausage, everyone at the MetO is in on it, they are being paid off by the government. It's all so the government can use thier weather machines to promote the idea of global warming. Open your eyes, for the love of God, man! *shakes solar sausage*
  13. In my lifetime probably the early 90's winter snow (can't remember what year) or the 2010/2011 snow. Early 90's snow. This was one of those times the community really came together. I was a bit too young to remember the details but my parents recall it well. As far as they knew snow was forecast, but it wasn't supposed to be particularly heavy. They woke up in the morning to find at least a foot of snow and it was still pummelling down. On our street at the time there were several self employed labourers so they really needed to get to work. All the men came out to dig out driveways and the road (we lived on a hill so it was impossible to drive on it unless the snow was cleared). They went at it for several hours but the snow was literally falling faster than they could dig so they eventually gave up and decided to have the day off. Instead all the kids came out and walked to the top of the hill where there is a big grassy slope and went toboganning and of course all the men and Mum's came and joined in. it was like a scene from the christmas cards where the whole village come out to play in the snow. Apparently there was a grit shortage that year so the gritters were fighting a losing battle with the snow and many of the main roads in our areas were shut because they were too dangerous. I know most people didn't go to work for several days as they simply couldn't get out of our road and even if they could lots of their route was closed anyway. I'm not sure if it caused similar disruption for the rest of the country but I know the roads were badly disrupted in my area. 2010/2011 snow Well this was recent so we can all remember. My area had thigh high snow (we are the top of a hill so it seems to collect there somewhat). The cars were buried up to their doors and you simply couldn't move them. My road and the surrounding ones were closed so you couldn't go to work (oh no, what a shame!). Again the gritters were not prepared so they couldn't deal with the snow which brought most of Kent to a standstill. More sledging fun was had by all. We took some dofgs for a walk which was almost impossible for them but they thouroughly enjoyed it. I don't think I've ever seen snow that deep in the UK.
  14. I do not like the way the world seems to burying it's head in the sand and just keeps on a ontinuous search for fossil fuels. I get that we need them, but we KNOW they will run out. Instead of spending money on unneccessary wars, why not spend the money researching alternative fuels?
  15. Then Gloucesterhsire would suddenly start getting massive storms and Miami would dry up!
  16. A friend of mine is doing his PHD and him and a couple of others researchers are looking to why there has been quite a sudden drop in UK thunderstorm activity. Could be interesting.
  17. Quite right Jane. I've documented some of my Spanish Plume memories in the thunderstorm memories thread. I have thunderstorm diaries from when I was younger and during the nineties there was barely a year that went by where we didn;t have at least 3 big Spanish Plume events in the summer. Proper all nighters that you could lie in bed watching out the window. Those were the days *sigh*
  18. Probably in terms of intensity either Bangkok or Bulgaria. In Bangkok the policeman told us to get inside and from his broken English we worked out he was saying it was a very dangerous storm. It sure was lightening was hitting all over the place and very close to us and the noise was absolutely deafening. Rain like I have never seen before or since, almost like someone tipping a bathtub full of water on you. The thunder was so loud it shook the floor and your body. During what seemed like a brief respite we ran to our hotel and watched the storm from inside our room overlooking the city. Absolutely crazy. Lightening every 3 seconds at least. We noticed the English language newspaper the next day (I assume one for ex pats and British residents) said that several people had been killed and a dozen building had caught fire. and copied from the other thread: It was August 1997 in Bulgaria. This was 2 weeks after a huge MCS had hit SE England and lasted all night, the account of which I have written earlier in this thread. We were in the mountains and at that time of year thunderstorms are common. We had opted to go on a walking tour that lasted half a day and we saw some great scebery and wildlife, including a few bears. Our guide was almost psychic, he was that good at telling the weather. We'd reached a peak of a mountain and he was surveying the horizon. It was quite obvious that in the distance a big storm was building, you could literally see the anvils rising and it looked bad. He told us we had to make our way back quickly to the hotel as 'this is a big one'. He told us it would reach the hotel in about 30 minutes and if we went back now we'd get back just in time. We were all disappointed as we were enjoying the hike but he was adamant tis was not a safe storm to be in. We were all compliant and made a hurried return. I remember talking to him on the way down and he was saying up there storms can develop within minutes with no warning or indication whatsoever. When we were about 5 minutes from the hotel we could hear huge booms approaching. We got back to our hotel room and stood out on the balcony overlooking the mountains and sure enough to the exact minute the storm hit. First came a strong wind, then heavy rain and huge hail. Thunder boomed around the mountain valleys so loud we had to shout to be heard and lightning was forking everywhere and was non stop. There was a tower on one of the mountain peaks which was an observation tower as well as a transmission tower and it got hit several times. My Mum grabbed the camera and just clicked randomnly to try and get a photo. Somehow she did get one hitting this tower and I will try and find it. The storm was so strong we could see tree branches breaking. We just stood on the balcony fascinated by this storm and glad we had got back in time. It carried on until dinnertime (about 3 hours) although the first half hour was the most intense. After the storm we walked outside and a few trees had fallen and branches were strewn all over the place. There were concerns for people who had been hiking in the mountains, but they had sheltered in a cafe at the top of the mountain. It was very eerie afterwards, dead still. We crossed paths with our guide later that evening and he told us it was a supercell (in far more words than that) and we were very lucky to have got back in time. I don't think there was a tornado but there was definite rotation and the tree damage would suggest so as well as the hail and 'feel' of the storm. It was one of those times when the enormity of the storm makes you feel so insignificant.
  19. I'll type mine up later as I am short of time. But it's surprising that if the most intense seem to form in Argentina there aren't more videos on the internet of it. I believe the DRC still holds the record for most thunderstorms. I would love to go an the catatumbo lightening (in my profile picture). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catatumbo_lightning
  20. The exploding frogs thing was interesting too!
  21. Village, you are still thinking so black and white, like this has to be an either or thing. In reality you can make progress and protect things at the same time. Of course my own survival is important, but I also acknowledge that my own survival (jn terms of my species) will be longer if I look after the very things that are keeping me alive to begin with (the oceans, the rainforests to name but a few). You can be altruistic and work towards some sort of common goal. In fact I'm pretty sure that if all the nations pout their heads together and did this we would get somewhere a lot faster, but that's not realistic.
  22. *wanders in quietly and says in quiet voice* Erm, what is the difference between frost and air frost? :blush: *shuffles out of thread embarassed*
  23. Village, don't patronise me. You can be greedy and just look for another planet to live on and then do exactly the same thing all over again, but I'd much rather at least TRY and see if we can live and do our best to look after the ONLY PLANET WE CURRENTLY HAVE. That doesn't mean we can't progress, it's not an either or situation. All i know is I don't want to pursue a goal to creating a new planet to live on and throw everything into it at the expense of everything else and then find out that actually doing that has actually sped up the process of degredation and I've run out of time to find an alternative. That would then leave essentially dying in a pit of my own s**t. I'd rather take a little longer to reach that goal, but actually reach it and then I'd also have the plus of being able to use what I've learned to make my future planet a much nicer and longer exisiting place to live.
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