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Walsall Wood Snow

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Everything posted by Walsall Wood Snow

  1. Already gone light again actually. Nice little surprise still.
  2. Snowing very heavily and settling well. Surprised it's this good actually. Best November snow since 2010 I think.
  3. October 2021 is the first October in the CET series to record a mean CET of 12.1c. Making it the second month in succession to record a new CET for that particular month after Septembers 15.9c record.
  4. Much of North America has far more distinct and contrasting seasons than we do over in NW Europe. Over here we more or less just get a long Spring followed by a long Autumn, punctuated by the odd little Winter and little Summer and just occasionally having a proper version of Winter or Summer. Although we tend to get the odd burst of Summer as well as proper Summers more frequently than Winters these days.
  5. I take it that was pretty unusual for the time of year there then? Certainly wouldn't be here. Mind you a January without frost isn't abnormal here. Nevertheless I can only assume it would have been warmer than here at the time. I can't say I have strong memories of October 2010, but I don't think it was anything like as warm as that. November and December 2010 were much more memorable for obvious reasons .
  6. It's pretty incredible how quick and early Autumn's come and go over in Canada with Winter starting so early too. Over here it's what I'd call barely Autumn with many trees still very much green and far from bare in the main. Can't believe we're supposed to be living on near the same latitude.
  7. September 2021 is the first September in the CET record (dating back to 1659) with a mean temp of 15.9c.
  8. At 15.8c August 2021 shares the same mean CET with August's: 1742 1748 1760 1770 1775 1783 1788 1797 1852 1858 1886 1895 1952 1958
  9. At 17.7c July 2021 shares the same mean CET with July's: 1800 1900 1955 1999 2014
  10. I think it might be over now but that was a fairly good thunderstorm here. Not quite as epic as some of those we had last year but certainly not a bad effort for a year that's been really lacking in thunderstorm activity until now. Hoping for more soon.
  11. It's a pretty good storm here now actually with periodic thunder and lightning, not constant though and with heavy rain. The thunder and lightning is pretty epic though when it does make a burst.
  12. Just had lightning followed by the loudest crack of thunder of this storm so far.
  13. Just had a big rumble of thunder a moment ago. As I'm typing another also.
  14. At 15.5c June 2021 shares the same mean CET with June's: 1679 1686 1711 1837 1866 1868 1947 1982 2005
  15. At 10.1c May 2021 shares the same mean CET with May's: 1772 1850 1951 1987
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