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Posts posted by wizard.muh

  1. So having these chart output is great the youngsters are be spoilt very close last year to being very cold year before, amazing,europe mainland have had 4 amazingly cold yrs is the gulf stream slowing down as many having predicted ,something is happening.

    Not sure about the Gulf Stream slowing down. Although it seems we are now in a period where, what was once highly improbable is now very plausible. Synoptically the situation is very interesting, I just really hope............

  2. Agree Jax - if I could choose I'd follow my own patterns - which in summer would be full of 'jump up and get on with it' and winter more 'lets sleep another hour' then I would - exactly how my budgies run their life!

    But we must follow how our society runs as a whole which sadly means running against our natural instinct to 'stop' in winter and to 'go like mad' in summer. The natural world runs at full pelt in summer making the most of available resources then slows or even stops down in winter. Us humans have short circuited that by running to much the same routine all year by using the thing we call 'time'.

    The main reason I go on about clock move is that most of us *have* to be at work by 8:30am (for example) and *have* to stay till 5pm so no amount of "you should get up early to make the most of the light" or "work your life around zulu time" will actually help. Whereas moving the clocks in favour of us getting to leave work in the light would help....

    It's almost similar how a bank holiday beats a chosen day off work because on a bank holiday everyone stops then when you go back to work afterwards there isn't a pile of crap on your desk from everyone else who worked that day. It's easier to move with the flock....

  3. If we went to CET time when would we put the clocks back ? if we were on CET time right now it would still be dark at 8 30 in the morning, maybe we could be on CET time from march to september but then what do we do go back to BST or GMT, im afraid CET could never work in this country but i can see us staying on BST at some point

    Also no point in having CET this country don't do things late in the evening like they do on the continent, when do you see football games starting at 9 or 10 pm here, in spain they eat at about 9pm, what is the point of it being light till 11pm no one goes anywhere at that time, most are sitting inside watching tele or going to bed

    You are right, it would be a bit of a mare on how the clocks would move. Its just the benefit from April till Sep would be emense. My suggestion at the expense of wasting feb [as we do] would be to wait till late march and go the full two hours forward in one go and have a national British day bank holiday monday to cusion the blow for the loss of bed time. However we would need to claw an hour back before now. Maybe end of aug/school term. Messy but worth it I think.

  4. I always hate this annual dedate (in the papers) Depending on where you live North west etc. There's are varying pros and cons. In Dec we are prob better off with GMT in fairness, the days are too short whatever but come feb, its wasted. What's the big deal with changing clocks anyway? Why not go european time when we have all the light we could wish for and go GMT in dec. Devise a complicated system of increased clock changing to confuse the sheep and morons and those summer months would be great. Imagine a hot day when you finish work early at 4 and the sun is still only two hours past meridian.

  5. I remember now 3 marginal disappointments since Feb began, prior to this (apart from a real long shot before Christmas) nothing was even possible. Very disappointing...But much better than if the zonal pattern had just carried on as it was into spring. And what a lovely cold sunny day it was today (sorry if less so outside SE Wales IMBY) Spring on way, but... There’s still a pretty good chance of another shot too, so don't be too despondent folks

    ( I thought that about Rome too, so unfair)

  6. TonyH gives a good weekly forecast usually towards the end of the weekend. Countryfile tomorrow is worth a watch. Check out netweather's forecast (via the home page) or metcheck.com - I think the main problem is people being unwilling to put themselves in a position of being totally wrong. With (apparently) plenty of differences in the model output it would appear difficult to say what's likely to occur. The model-threaders are a funny bunch, some love the cold, and therefore can find cold possibilities in whichever model shows the coldest output, others are mild-lovers, so look for the mild outcomes. Others are just there to wind other people up.

    Best plan - look out of the window!

    I totally agree with you thats a good summary in the mod thread.

    The mild lovers and the wind ups are one of the same though, most weather in the UK is quite boring most of the time, so anything on the edge of the spectrum would be the reason why we are glued on this site.

    Not a total let down today mind, trends and patterns are a science but the specifics on the day are not. The rest we read at the event is human stuff (like bbc covering every angle) and ofcourse the weather making it up as it goes along.

  7. Down to :cold: - 7 here :cold: , but live on the outside of an housing estate by a lot of open land and farms and brooks . :cold: shiver me timbers ...... BBrrrrrrr

    Its -7 here too in Caerphilly (town I might add) and still falling, I know this doesn't really relate to tommorrows probable disapointment but I am going to keep checking as this is my lowest recording since DEC 10 and gives some child like hope of snow not turning to rain.

  8. Hi All

    Please mods don't delete.

    Just wanted to acknowledge the expertise in this MD forum. I have been reading for many years now, I find it difficult to understand the charts so rely heavily on others.

    I respect so many of you with your knowledge and it makes reading this forum very interesting and in winter very compelling. I appreciate that at times it gets very heated in here but my advice to others is that I know now who I want to read and who to skip over, this makes the read a lot easier.

    I know this isn't model discussion as such but I know over the past few days it has been a testing time. But, please believe everyone, that for total amateurs such as myself it is fascinating.

    Just felt it needed saying.


    P.S. I believe that winter will bite us back! and looking at the charts to my very inexperienced eye, something is brewing!

    My thoughts too..... (Minus the PS, but I really do hope so) excellent thread, thank you all so much (sorry not relevant to current output).

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