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Spring On Hold..?



Ahhh! Last day of February and everyones attention turns to Spring. On what has been at the very least a "cold " Winter I think most folk are ready for some Spring warmth! On balance we are due some warmth now, Scotland has been in the freezer for months now, probably find a few Glaciers developing there now, :doh: and even in the south its been cold, dull wet and at times snowy. So with a cold Winter now behind us, lets put our Winter woollies away and start getting the garden stuff out and bbq cleaned up, ummmgh, slow down a bit with that idea. Its often said that a cold snowy Europe heralds a cold start to Spring. Firstly, "El Nino" years of which this is one ,often produce cold late Winters in Europe as the Jet stream moves further south than usual and high pressure [Blocking] really does not let in any really mild weather to this part of the world. At the moment computer models show no sign of anything mild in the forseeable future and this coming week looks as though we are going to be plunged deep into cold again at least for a short time. Another feature of a cold and snowy NorthWest Europe is that the ground is so cold that the surface cold will take a lot longer to warm up,than if the ground was snow and ice free [ie mild Winters]. So with all the ingredients in place it looks as though Spring will take some time to visit us, so In my opinion , it will be way into April before we see any pleasant warmth,of course it inevertable, but Yep something to look foreward too , but Spring is on Hold, well at least for a while!! :clap::nonono::unsure::rofl:


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