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Another 2006?

Another 2006? This March sure feels like it at the moment, bitterly cold with snow fall as you can see. http://youtu.be/wmLBR2UY0uE But 2006 was the last of the good, "hot" summers in recent years so I am hoping this is a good omen as it turned out to be then. Fingers crossed.

Tim B

Tim B

Nasty Bug Going Around?

Is there a new cold like virus going around or has what I have been experiencing over the last 30 hours or so just an oddball? Is no ordinary cold though at least in the first 24 hours of my case, cant remember feeling so bad from a cold virus since I was a kid, felt more like a flu virus. Thank god for paracetamol ay?

Tim B

Tim B

Tough Kitty

Want to see the cutest thing in the world that is either very resilient or very lucky? (Or possibly a cobination of both.) Then look no further. [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14319687"]http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14319687[/url] A good example of why you should always check both the laundry and your washing / drying machines before you use them if you have kittens, this exact thing happened to an old colleague of mine through carelessness with the laundry and unfortunately her k

Tim B

Tim B

Renting A Limo This New Year?

If you have long journies to take to parties then these things are great fun this time of year, I've rented a few and rode in many in the past aroud crimbo and new year when lots of us have to travel long distance. But do you wear the seatbelts provided? If like me you let it slip even when you wouldn't when driving normally, this [u]will[/u] make you rethink.. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVdIW4p-zec"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVdIW4p-zec[/url]

Tim B

Tim B

Dead Leg

Anyone fancy a donor kebab? Haha! [attachment=174041:IMAG0545.jpg] [attachment=174042:Recent.JPG] Cheers for not securing those manholes without telling me, you'll be hearing from my solicitor.

Tim B

Tim B


Looks like the first of the nice weather this weekend, maybe I'll take a trip around some of the countryside if I get time between my Uni work and all the other stuff people are trying to hire me for! Looking forward to it. Oh and yeah, I simply couldn't resist changing my Facebook profile picture to something you might recognize! Goodnight! [attachment=208911:Photo on 06-03-2014 at 11.32.jpg]

Tim B

Tim B

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