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The Climate Of Wirral

I thought I'd set up a blog entry on the climate of my home peninsular, Wirral. For about 5 years now I've been fascinated by micro-climatology and how differences occur in relative small areas. All year around I'm looking for mild weather, either absolutely or relatively - you might think "why on Earth would he want to do that? It's mush, horrible and boring!" Well not to me it isn't.. let me explain.. Living on the coast I am in a perfect place to witness these variances in local cl



Today - 28th Jan '05

Well Hi, my first entry, I'm going to bore you with my day....Woke up at 06:50, or more to the point, got woken up... Had cereal. Actually no I didn't I was worrying about missing the bus. Anyhow stood at the bus stop for erm 7 minutes waiting for the 472, which I missed, so i thought I'll wait for the 72 - strange thing was, the 473 turned up first which is better as it takes me straight to Liverpool without all the hassle of going through Birkenhead. Once I got to University, I purchased a Bot



Funny 'poetry' - Winnie The Pooh

I got this 'poem' today in English Literature I thought it was absolutely halarious...The House at Pooh Corner (A.A Milne, 1928)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Christopher Robin is goingAt least I think he is..WhereNobody knows.But he is going -I mean he goes(To rhyme with 'knows')Do we care?(To rhyme with 'where')We doVery much(I Haven't got a rhyme for that 'is' in the second line yet. Bother)(Now I haven't got a rhyme for bother. B



Weather Log - 28th January

Morning, mostly cloudy and dry few bright spells, mainly coolMorning Statistics:Highest Cloud Cover: 7/8 OktasLowest Cloud Cover: 5/8 OktasHighest Sunshine: 12 minutesLowest Sunshine: 0 minutesHighest Humidity: 89%Lowest Humidity: 82%Total Rainfall: 0.0mmHighest Temperature: 7.1°CLowest Temperature: 6.8°CAfternoon, Cloudy and mildish with a few sunny/bright spells, also drizzle later in the dayAfternoon Statistics:Highest Cloud Cover: 7/8 OktasLowest Cloud Cover 6/8 OktasHighest Sunshine: 8 minu



Greece Is The Word

yeh Greece is the word. I'll be listening good on Thursday, Greece v Brazil in the COnfederations cup, if we beat Brazil we're the best in the world - In the world I tell you! bet you never thought that would be likely - did you?Let's be honest neither did I, but I'm damn proud. That's what you get for winning the Continental Championships!!Other than that, life is pretty boring at the moment, nothing to do, nowhere to go and no-one to see, just sitting here when im not at work - this is great b



Nice And Warm

I'm personally surprised at how long it's lasting, the dryness and weather that we have. Will it ever end, I hope not - but I admit I do get bored of the same old weather day after day. 30°C and drizzle for one day would be nice, but as I'm not living in the western pacific coast, I don't reckon that will happen! Is it just me or is everyone bored?? I remember as a kid, summer breaks were exciting, but now they're plain boring, and when they're not I'm usually standing somewhere protecting mysel




Haven't created an entry for a while. Actually looking back on my entries, I'm suprised I wrote those! Anyway as we head into winter, everyone is excited about the prospects with the possibility of something a little more seasonal than of the past decade. White Christmas or not? Ill be enjoying it either way! Started the second year of uni this year, which has gone quite fast, I mean half a year has gone already, although I realise in the new year the pressure will really be on with lots of es




Lovely, not since 2001 have I seen this much snow, which makes a change. However I failed to make a snowman, although I did had a drunken snowball fight (although I wasnt too drunk - just merry), which was mega fun.About to cop anther heavy snow shower so I'll be off!!



Position Explained

I think its important to establish my overall position in context of weather favourites and what I like. It's almost impossible to like mild weather and not be called a "wind-up merchant" unfortunately I feel this applies to me so this blog entry is just reassuring the people of Net-weather that I am no wind-up merchant! My taste in weather is a little contradictory in that I'm a fan of mild, but I'm also a big fan of snow, but I don't appreciate cold. This is due to my inability to take cold co



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