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Life in Canada

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The week the Arctic High took control

As a strong storm came through at the weekend it also introduced an arctic high with bitterly cold temperatures. This week we have not got above -25oC and night time has been around -32oC. Tonight the temperature has really taken a tumble and at 11:20pm tonight its currently -37oC. The record low here is -42oC set in Dec 2008. Will we break it? I guess we will know in 12 hours. What does it feel like? Imagine opening the freezer and that feeling of cold air for a second...that's every h



Homelessness, Hopelessness?

For years to come I'll remember those days, Days into nights into days, just a haze, When food was scarce, conversation less, And sympathetic glances with whispers of 'bless'. Dissaproving looks, murmurs and tutts, Having to smoke discarded butts, When all I wanted was a chat and a smile, And all I received was behaviour so vile. If only they knew the heartache and pain, The desperation deep down, the pain, the drain, Of fighting each day and making it through, And willing to gain



Preparing for Winter

As I sit here typing, looking at the amazing, snow capped Canadian Rocky Mountains, the sun is streaming through the window, another day of blue skies, warm breezes and temperatures in the mid teens. Quite remarkable for the time of year. I think this is the first time since being here in 9 years that we have not had snow in October, or September or August or July for that matter. It is quite surreal knowing that I can do work in the yard in a t shirt when, at any time, the high pressure c




Summer fades upon us all Leaves turn brown, it's soon the Fall The leaves are changing, and for that reason That is why we love the Seasons The Autumn colours rage so bold But foggy days lead to the cold With every day we lose the leaves And feel the chill in every breeze Cold days lead to frosty paths Warm houses with hotter baths Runny noses, coughs and sneezes All brought on by winter's breezes Fireplaces, rosy faces snow is falling in all places roads are gridlocked, c



Memoirs Of An Ordinary Man - The Early Years (chapter 6)

Watch out for the...... As the event of the fractured jaw was begining to fade, along with the bruises, winter had started to take its icy grip on the south east of England. It was the late 80's and another birthday party approached. I awoke Saturday morning full of anticipation of the forthcoming day, the cake, the games, the prizes, when out of the corner of my eye I spotted something unusual. I glided over to the curtains and delicately prized them open only to discover the inside of the w



I love Canadian Winters

Just sitting here on a Friday night, nice glass of red in hand and a snowfall warning has been issued for up to 6 inches of snow by this time tomorrow. I've lived here 8 years now, originally born and raised in Kent, and its the certainty of snow in the winter that just makes me smile. Although the fun of will it/wont it snow in England was good there's nothing like getting a snowstorm knowing its not going to be marginal as temperatures are going to drop to minus 20oC. The joys of being conn



Screenplay - Update

So after sending out numerous request letters and synopsis' to production companies, I have had a request for the screenplay to be sent to one in Canada. Its exciting news, and of course it is extremely early days, but for a Production Company to even request a screenplay to read is rare, so I am extremely happy I will keep you all posted



sad day

So my Grandad died to day. I am pleased that he is no longer suffering. RIP Grand dad x



Winter And Summer In The Same Week

As Fall approaches so do the thoughts of yellow and red leaves, pumpkins and Thanksgiving. Along with the festivites in October is usually the appearance of the first snows of the year, children running out open eyed forgetting they had 6 months of it last year. This year is a little different. An abysmal start to the Spring/Summer season with snow up until early June but all that changed with the arrival of July. Since July 7th temps have averaged over 25oC with only a handful of days falli



Memoirs Of An Ordinary Man - The Early Years (chapter 4)

Oh I was in the locker room... By now it was the mid 80's and the summer was in full swing. As my 9th birthday edged ever closer I was invited to someone elses party. Except this party was no ordinary celebration...it was a dicso ice skating party! From my humble upbringing I had never been to a ice rink. The closest I had come was to put my size 3 plimsols into the metal skates (the ones where you keep your shoes on) and then attempt to traverse the rocky, weed infested driveway without b



Screen Play

After 8 months of plot planning, character building and months and months of script writing, my business partner and I finally have a finished draft for a screen play. Now all we got to do is be part of the 0.1% of people who manage to either sell it to the movie moguls, or (even less probablilty) help with the filming/directing. Lets hope the agent does a good job. I will keep you posted Those of you who dont me, I'm a banker by day, boring I know but it keeps the money coming in. At night I



Memoirs Of An Ordinary Man - The Early Years (chapter 1)

It sfunny how you remember the little things... I remember snapshots of my early years as if it were a slide show at a wedding or a flip book of blurry, black and white pictures. But one thing that stands out head and shoulders above everything is the feeling of happiness through out those childhood years. I grew up in a cul de sac full of children in the old days when kids were kids, we rode our bikes, we played tag. When Wimbledon was on we would all play tennis, when the FA Cup was on we w



Just wondering

Whats fair in life? My friend has just died of breast cancer at aged 28. I had known her since age 8. I have found this very difficult to comprehend. She lived her life so clean, wasnt a drinker, wasnt a smoker, ate healthily, no record of it in her family. Just a bit shocked right now




Well I lost my virginity this week....my massage virginity that is. I am training for a 10km run and decided to get a sports massage for my tired and weary muscles (thats my excuse, nothing to do with the hot masseuse) Wow, thats all I can say. I cant believe I never got one earlier. How amazing does it feel to have someone massage you all over. Not to mention the medical benefits, honestly that was the main reason Anyway back to the training. My 10km time is around the 45 min mark, so im



Alone...and sick

So I finally drop the in-laws off after 2 1/2 weeks, ah bliss. What happens the next day? we get 3 inches of snow (IN AUGUST!!) and I get man flu, ah I tell you, I am close to the edge, its bad this time lol. My better half doesnt mind though, my voice has nearly given up so she is enjoying the peace and quiet lol. My parents arrive tomorrow (Thursday) for the 2nd round of visitors. Another 2 1/2 weeks of entertaining then that is it til xmas, woo hoo. Right I'm off to bed to die a slow and pain



Memoirs Of An Ordinary Man - The Early Years (chapter 5)

Finally...I didn't need a straw anymore Memories come and go like friends throughout life. Some shine brighter than others and last a lot longer. Some of my most visual and long lasting memories of childhood are from the playground. Bonds are formed, relationships blossom. Its the one place where regiment goes out of the classrom window and you are free, free to spread your wings and establish yourself. Always under a watchful eye of a 40 something overweight Hitler, my Primary School pla



Memoirs Of An Ordinary Man - The Early Years (chapter 2)

I love my bro, but he was also a little shit.... My parents were 23 (Mum) and 28 (Dad) when they upped and left the baron wastelands of Ipswich, Suffolk to come to the rolling hills of Lordwoods, Kent back in the long hot summer of 1976. My mum was 8 1/2 months pregant with me and she made the 1 1/2 hour journey down on an old 125cc motorbike (no wonder I got some damage) - my brother got a lift in my Grand dad's Hillman Imp, loaded with essentials for the move. As a result of this migrati



Tough times

Ok, so I am not one to wear my heart on my sleeve, but after having a few drinks, I thought bettter out than in Its been a tough year, my mum was in hospital this year and it was touch and go for a while, she ended up there for 6 weeks, though she is now on the mend, thank God, albeit with lots of drugs to regulate her condition. My dad had a heart attack and was in hopsital for about a month, but luckily he got an operation quick and now he is on the mend Now, my Grandad is hopsital and has bee




The longest day was yesterday and it got dark about 11pm, was out playing footie so was great fun I have 3 weeks and 6 days left til my 'holiday' in the UK, cant wait to see everyone again. its been a year almost since I was last year so it will be interesting to see whats changed. On thing I do know is that I am gonna need shed loads of money as everything is half price out here. Petrol is 45pence a litre, and average meal in a restaurant costs 7 quid a person, but the beer is more expensive???



Do I lunch with a mad lady?

So I call a client today and she is super rude for no reason. I dont care, its all water of a ducks back, plus I believe in Karma. Any how I helped her out, she thanked and became super nice and asked me where I am from. I told her and she said she lived in the same town as me a few years ago. She is Canadian. I was shocked she was shocked but we talked about the town and true enough, she must have lived there cos she knew all about it. So just as I am about to hang up she tells me I am going to



Still sick!

Cant believe it. Had a viral infection as the doc says for 9 days now, slowly getting to the healthier side, however the 10km race I had been training for the past 3 months came and went yesterday and I coulnt race due to the illness (doc's orders). I am bitterly disappointed, especially as the time of the finishers this year would have placed me in the top 10, Ah well, there is always next year :-(



Its almost time.....

...to enjoy some piece and quiet. Finally, after 924 hours and a few minutes (thats about 5 1/2 weeks) all my visitors for the summer will be gone. September 2oth is D day...peace and quiet for 3 months until Xmas.... woo hoo Does anyone else feel the same when relatives come and go? they must do. But whats more, the in-laws were actually less hassle than my parents. I swear to god if my Mum asks another meaningless, random question about Canada I'll....'do black and brown bears mate with eac



My Father's mentality, plus other ramblings

I dont understand my Dad's mentality. He had a heart attack late last year, had an opertaion and they said he would ok provided he eats healthily and give up the fags. What haas he done? he drinks everyday and smokes more than ever...he doesnt seem to care. Do you think he has got to the point where he reaalises he is mortal and is going to enjoy life to the full? He doesnt talk to anyone so have no idea what is going on in his mind??? I need a good method of de-stressing. I am looking at sellin



Moth Madness

I opened my front today and there musthave been about 200 hundred moths lying all over the front deck. I walk to wokr and the moths are everywhere on the ground, on the roof. I will have to get a pic and post it. As I am walking they are trying to get up my trouser legs. Very strange experience.



Leaving on a Jet Plane

Right, I am off to fly with BA to Heathrow today for a 2 week 'holiday' in England. Luckily its terminal 4 and luckily its no longer snowing, fingers crossed I will on home turf in 12 hours



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