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Everything posted by Jax

  1. Would not want anyone to think they were hemmed in or stitched up... ...OK need to grab my Dress... I mean coat now.
  2. Shut and drawn (just like they keep the warm in during winter they keep the heat out in summer)
  3. Indeed, it all makes sense when you think about it
  4. Yup, works a treat, it is just like a fan heater but in reverse, you are blowing over a cold source not a hot one.
  5. Simple and cheap air con 2 bottles (I use 2x2 pint plastic milk ones from any supermarket/shop), fill with water, freeze them. Stand the frozen bottles a few inches apart and place a fan behind them so that it blows air through and around them in your direction. May want to stand the bottles on something like a tray to collect any condensation/melt though.
  6. Think I have upset the vampires at work (yup they shut out the sun all day), interesting few days ahead. Sunny now and flung the doors and windows open to allow this greatness of sun, heat, light etc into the home.
  7. Just happy to enjoy the long daylight, all to soon we are plunged into darkness (and nature seems to enjoy these long days of light also)
  8. We are eating too much meat according to the news at the weekend.
  9. It is a point in time (of year) and an important one too, how you see/view it is individual. Like the cold is hardest at dawn the summer now comes into it's own, the summer dawn is quite nice. Celebrated around the world by many as a tradition of marking a time and point in the year for life, so worth remembering that. I shall honour that day out of spiritual respect but each to their own, I just like tradition and it's respect.
  10. So take the sense of sight away from a person does they mean they no longer exist in "our world"? Experience in other senses should be included and just because we interpret something different the source is the same?
  11. Mild(ish) day here, some spots of rain, nothing much and cloud, lots and lots of it.
  12. Lauren your POST does indeed highlight both a Climate and Evironmental issue, the impact of over population, resource extraction, pollution etc is having an effect on our planet. And I think the biggest cause and effect is population, second to that education and then recycling of what we have already discarded. It is a shameful world we live in when it is easier and cheaper to throw away goods and when they are made to fail and not be repaired just replace them again and again. The population of the planet is like unrestrained consumer credit, the planet itself is the debt... ...one day like the consumer/economic crash, there will be a day when the party is over and the debt collecters will turn up demanding payment.
  13. Nice today but the outlook for the next few days is less than warm and rosy
  14. Saw this interesting article linking beachings with future quakes. Could Japan be set for a big quake in the next few days? http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/home/environment/flora-fauna/Mass-beaching-fuels-unscientific-Japan-quake-fears/articleshow/46886745.cms
  15. WOW! so quiet in here. Like your local pub on 24th Dec, it gets packed for an event and you never see them again for twelve months. A day spent in the garden, glorious sunshine and warmth, dry and calm. Even got the border attended to so I hope it will flower later in the summer.
  16. Darker starts for me but way more natural light in the eveings again for painting/artwork, and the mornings will soon be lighter again. win-win
  17. Fun fun fun, in the sun sun sun, if all goes well.
  18. Jax


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