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Everything posted by cartedj

  1. Come on guy's. It aint that bad. Staying up late tonight. Flikering to the south already.
  2. Look at the strike rate for the storm in the adriatic. The sky must be constantly lit up. http://www.lightningmaps.org/realtime?lang=en
  3. Definately a storm embedded in the wedge. Just passed over us and was fantastic.
  4. Well that was fun for 20 minutes. Biblical rainfall and constant thunder and lightning. Now drifting off to the south east looking at it
  5. Rain today is really getting going north of the M4 corridor now.
  6. Still rumbling around here. I wonder if the Stroud cell is going to fire up when it gets to us
  7. Thanks for that. Still flashing around here and close to Swindon centre
  8. Well that was short and sweet. Never the less, was good out in the garden watching it. Still rumbling but no new stikes showing. Pouring down now.
  9. Hmm! Don't think lingthtningmaps is showing all the cloud to clouds as I was watching it and my laptop simultaneously and all were not showing.
  10. This is brilliant. zoom in to this over Swindon http://www.lightningmaps.org/realtime?lang=en
  11. Yay! Swindon is getting clobbered. Strikes every 20 seconds
  12. Nuclear explosion approaching Munster http://www.muenster.de/en/webcam_aasee.html
  13. Looks like they're in a hurry to get them planes in the air
  14. looks like another serious amount of precip about to hit Carmarthen
  15. I remember being stood in the entrance to the old Do it All building over Greenbridge retail park before it was developed during a storm. Lightning struck the building directly opposite me about 100 yds away. Apart from being blinded for a second as if a flasgun had gone off in your face, there wasn't so much as a clap of thunder as just a loud bang. If you ever seen those tv programs where they try to simulate lightning in a test chamber when all you here is a loud crack as it discharges, it was just like that. No extended rumbles or anything, just a shotgun going off in your ear. Amazing to experience but a bit to close for comfort.
  16. It was. It looks like it's lost a lot of its potency looking at the rainfall radar.
  17. Ah! Rodbourne railway bridges. The favorite Swindon flashflood hot spot. Got a feeling storm drains converge there before passing the sewage works before entering the River Ray. Apparently you can drive a Range Rover down the storm drain under there it's that big. In these situations the water pushes up the manhole covers and floods the road, the drain still can't cope. This means Bridgemead Sainsburys most probably got flooded as well.
  18. You can just make out the water up to the bumpers. Where are you. I'm in Upper Stratton and we still have thunder and lightning.
  19. Right! That's that one out the way. Looks like another cell heading up from Bath.
  20. Lightning definately more prounounced at the back edge of the Swindon cell. I think its obscured by all the rain on the leading edge.
  21. Your about to get what we just had. Absolutely amazing rain and lightning. edit: Oh dear! Lots of emergency services sirens
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