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Everything posted by ribster

  1. You posted a similar thing around a week or so ago saying at least the 7th will be mild, looks anything but...
  2. Terminology - the body of terms used with a particular technical application in a subject of study, profession, etc.
  3. Must be pushing on nearly a month of frosts now, with this spell and the last. Another hard frost last night, still below zero now. Not wintry? My posterior!
  4. Well some said it was two day wonder, then it was warming up Thurs, then Friday. Looks like 10 days to me, even then it stays close to average.
  5. I don't disagree regarding wanting to learn, but we will have to agree to disagree on the latter point.
  6. So you keep saying, but please don't presume to speak for the rest of us. 'Seasonal' will do, had a great first 2 week of winter, and it's certainly not looking blowtorch by any stretch.
  7. Fantastic 2 weeks of deep cold, it's looked like a winter wonderland. Brief relaxation and return to average or just below and possibly something a bit more interesting, nice!
  8. Easy enough to filter out the chaff though, stuck record year in year out. But take your point regarding new members, bamboozled I should think!
  9. Bring it on, can start at the beginning of August this year if it wants!
  10. Had enough already, 3 and 9 year old crying at bedtime due to heat. Each has a fan, one with an ice pack. I do wonder how hot some would like it to get, perhaps we should be looking forward to pushing 50c... Chuck a few wild fires into the mix, that would be really great!
  11. Same here, much more extensive, which fortunately means the house doesn't get baked so much. If this amount of cloud creeps in next couple of days it will suppress temps.
  12. Won't be rapid, but cool down it will. Yes, looks like rearing its ugly head in next couple of hours!
  13. Temps for today revised down further, a lot of cloud about...
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