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Blog Comments posted by dogs32

  1. I reckon when you TV is up you should have it somewhere on there...As i think your get alot of people bookmarking it...
    When I first saw discovered Net weather home page I nearly carried on...And thought it was just another weather site.....
    The radar caught my eye so I booked marked it.......It wasn't until about 2 weeks later I saw the forum....
    Tv,Radar I reckon are some of the best pullers....
    So for me Tv,Radar and Forum more noticeable..
  2. Thanks :)

    Actually most days I really don't think about them apart from after a meal, don't even think about the first one in the morning now. but there is the odd day when I think of nothing but having a ciggie, but its getting easier and thankfully with Joe giving up at the same time we support each other and see each other through the bad patches, which thankfully don't generally happen at the same time!!

    yes i Know what you mean....watch for the days you could do with one..remember..what Mel Gibson said FREEEEEEEEEEEDOM.

  3. The Doom 3 engine creator comes straight with Doom 3- there's a site called Doom3World.org with plenty of level editing tips that I've used very heavily. You can create another shortcut to Doom3.exe and add "+editor" to the Target field in the shortcut properties, and that will load up the level editor.

    Thanks TWS will check it out cheers

  4. Have you ever tried doom edit...or deep sea for doom the original..level construction...I have realy good but I dont get much time any more..Havent tried to create levels for doom 3 ,must be more difficult

    I've had a long history of changing engines and starting from scratch, much like the infamous Duke Nukem Forever:

    Late 1990s- tried Doom 1 mapping with WadED, gave up as it crashed constantly

    2000-03- tried Half-Life mapping, created several maps for HL (including 3 multiplayer maps) but didn't get very far with my planned episode

    2004- created 8 Doom 2 levels with DoomBuilder while waiting for Doom 3 to come out. I did try DeepSea beforehand but was put off by the fact you have to pay to get all the features.

    Since then I've been sticking with the Doom 3 engine and am determined to get the episode finished. Doom 3 editing is much harder than Doom 1/2 editing and the maps take much longer to create- but there is a lot more you can do with them, especially scripted stuff and architecture.

    And thanks for the good wishes from Katie.

    Hi mate sorry i forgot to reply back...deepsea is cheap to buy...like you ive made a few wads....can u tell me were I can get the doom 3 engine creator ..

    doom the original is on xbox now.....you know i would love to creat call of duty levels more than anything.....but i do love doom..always will

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