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Everything posted by Winterdarkness

  1. Why is metoffice showing high pressure over the uk in January? I’m so done
  2. I know! All these people are in for a shock! Mild wet and zonal
  3. All this hype for what was cold In January is now disappearing on the 6z! Thanks guys for overhyping
  4. From January is when we will see significant snowfall get your sledge out!!!!
  5. Guys we need to talk about the sSW the models have dropped the split?!! Only displacement I’m gonna cry!!
  6. U.K. met has been poor this year, I feel there charts are biased for warm weather
  7. January is looking very cold with high risk of snow events. There’s nothing indicating an unsettled Jan? Yes this week but not in the next 2 weeks...
  8. I’m very excited for this winter! January is looking very interesting indeed :)
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