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Everything posted by Electricmumma

  1. Frome direction having fun with funnel sightings, here in the east Sussex coast we’re just melting in 76% humidity
  2. Looks like there’s been a couple of funnels already down frome way. Someone bring me a car
  3. Sitting on the beach enjoying the sunshine and the cooling sea breeze, can still feel the mugginess though, so dreading going back indoors
  4. Sunny warm and very humid, only relief is sat on the beach with the wind coming off the sea . Added a brief 360 scan of the beautiful skies from the north clockwise. 64882541556__D2A849A0-FF9A-4630-9047-0179AF2447DB.MOV
  5. I’d rather a distant light show I can watch without my eyeballs being burnt out
  6. Nearly an hour up the hill and I’m not sorry we went. Saw some fabulous lightning out at sea, and only got a little bit wet ! If that was just the appetiser I’m getting socks and coffee for the main course
  7. Should have known I’d get dragged up the hill for the play park and not just the lightning !
  8. @LightningLoveryou didn’t tell me it was windy out here though from the few flashes we’ve caught just walking down I think it’s worth it lol
  9. It’ll be a first for us. So when you see two small wet things that’s us
  10. Don’t know if I’m ready to head out yet or the beach yet, guessing beach head would spoil my view
  11. It’s the triple E csb - energy eating English Channel storm barrier
  12. well today is an odd one. temp says 22 feels like 26 - feels more than that. Humidity 65 - sorry but my melting skin says otherwise dew point 15.
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