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  1. I am part of a team building a remote monitoring station which is going to be installed and left on a small island North of the Arctic circle. The station is powered by a very expensive fuel-cell system which provides some heat which is to be ducted around the instrumentation housed in an insulated box. The station has an always on satellite connection to the internet with a dedicated IP address. Bandwidth is surprisingly good but very expensive and limited. We plan to include on the station a Davis VantagePro2 with weatherlinkIP - this will be connected by ethernet cable to the satellite system's router. I know we can disable in the weatherlinkIP device, the option to automatically upload weather data to weatherlink.com, and this setting is maintained after a power-cycle it seems in my initial tests. I have some questions which Davis support have not been able to answer... If we run the WeatherLink software on our own computer and connect to the remote station's console directly, will that station then automatically send ALLweather data not yet sent, to the connecting computer? Is that automatic? Can it be switched off? If that _is_ switched off is it possible to view the current weather data only? If after a download of data is completed to one computer running WeatherLink, another computer then connects to the console, will that initiate an automatic offload of all stored data not on this new computer? Or just of the data stored since the console last uploaded data to _anywhere_? Does the Davis mobile and tablet APP connect direct to consoles or does it connect to weatherlink.com and so in order for that to work does the weatherlink.com auto upload need to be enabled? The weatherlink.com automatic upload says it requires 'a high speed always on internet connection' but it does not state anything about required bandwidth, up and down, for this. Can anyone give me approximate data usage information for a console which is turned on with automatic uploads? If we open a port on our satellite router so we can access the weather station directly - is there a way in the Davis console to secure this access against direct connection by someone we do not want to? I'm wondering if connecting directly and downloading all data thus far recorded, once a week (say) will in fact use the same amount of bandwidth that weatherlink.com automatic upload would have used - possibly more. And also the weatherlink.com automatic upload option would not require us to open an inward facing port in the router and so security issues would also be mitigated against. But I really need to know how much data it sends and receives. Thank you!!
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