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Everything posted by Hemlock

  1. pah, knock it down and build a carpark, parking up that end of town is terrible.
  2. Hemlock


  3. Good idea PP *Oh god, i've agreed with PP, i think i may be sick*
  4. Temp 5c and windy as a windy thing on a really windy day. Image borrowed from Weatheronline.
  5. Mrs H said that very same thing on our 3rd date PP. I awoke to a strange rumbling sound and thought i was hungry.
  6. Why do they ask such stupid questions? Q) Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Tsk, in front of the sodding mirror where i see myself now i expect.
  7. Well, for it to be the last it would have to occur in the first place and since it hasn't it can't but if it had it probably would but i don't think it will so it won't. Clear?
  8. What is it with wimmin and carrier bags? Mrs H had 2 drawers in the kitchen rammed to capacity with carrier bags because 'We might need them' What possible event in the future couple possibly occur that would require the use of 1264 old carrier bags? So, like a good husband i point out that perhaps 2 drawers full is a tad excessive, i can see how a few bags might come in useful but perhaps not and entire years shopping supply and suggest she thin out the bag population a tad........... Today i wanted a carrier bag, just 1, not 1264 bags, no, just 1, i go to get one to find we now have 0 bags because 'Well, you bloody moaned about them' I asked for the population to be thinned a tad, not made extinct
  9. Hemlock


    I used to think life was good, then i realised life had its ups and downs, now i realise that life just sucks.
  10. 0.6c and very very very light almost invisible snow.
  11. Sorry GW but you've got most of that back to front and upside down, I spent several years working as a Keeper and many more working along side them and i'm yet to meet one who actually wanted to kill anything protected. As with most things in life money is the real evil at work here not the keeper, rearing birds to adulthood ready for shooting is a very expensive business, costs vary but we worked on an average cost of £10 per bird, generally a keeper is told that all predators without exception have to be eradicated, 'They cost me £10 a shot so you'd damn well better make sure nothing else is taking them' or words to that effect are often used. Something else that people often don't realise is that keepers are usually paid a pittance, often living in tied accomodation, and paid little more than a living allowance, so, even if you disagree with your employer its very difficult to rebel, especially those with a family, not only do you stand to loose your job but your home as well. I must add that not all landowners are evil, infact the vast majority aren't, a few bad uns get the rest a bad name i'm afraid.
  12. Thick fog for the 4th morning in a row, 4c and drizzle.
  13. Oh dear, can it be true, are we really doomed? assuming we survive bird flu first No offence GW, if you want to worry about something with a remote possibility of occuring almost 30 years in the future you carry on and i'll carry on living my life, i've no need to worry, you do it for me.
  14. Note taken, so now you want me to worry about a magnolia rock having to hit a 400 metre wide theoretical corridor in space to set up a remote possibility of hitting the earth? I'm more worried about the lack of milk in the office this morning.
  15. No offence, but i've get better things to do than worry about a rock having to hit a 400 metre wide corridor to set up a shot of hitting us. A 45000 - 1 shot I should add. Edit: taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_MN4
  16. Well, having read most of this thread the thing that really strikes me is how the onus has been put on the consumer not the manufacturer or supplier to cut energy usage, pollution etc, turning a light off, turning your heating down a degree or two, not very effective is it? Sure, IF the entire country did it (Unlikely) then yes, it would make a slight difference. Personally what i'd like to see is manufacturers forced to find ways of producing appliances that use far less energy, imagine the difference if appliances world wide used 30-40% less energy,apply the same to transport and industry and then we are really starting to make a difference, turning a light off just smacks of a token effort in tackling a far bigger problem.
  17. Sarcastic comments aside, I was referring to your posts earlier in the thread as you well know.
  18. Erm, its just common sense GW, I know an area can be dangerous and as such I'm naturally cautious when approaching said area, there is nothing mystical about it, its just plain old common sense, same as when somebody makes you a cup of tea, the first sip you always tentatively bring the cup to your lips because you are aware there is a chance it could be hot enough to burn you, our brain is very good at remembering places and situations that have hurt or scared us, any future caution is 2nd nature in those situations, almost as if its been hardwired in, however, it IS just a reference to a past experience.
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