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Everything posted by Methuselah

  1. I'm not in the least bit afraid, MIA: CO2 is a GHG - always has been and always will be. Refute that!
  2. How many of the 'sceptics'' forecasts have turned out to be true, then? Unless the arithmetic learned in school is somehow all wrong, that'll be none so far...
  3. So what have they, collectively, got so 'woefully wrong'? For one thing, the world is still getting warmer...
  4. Paul, My messages panel thingie plays up on my smart phone too. Any ideas why? It's all a mystery to me.
  5. Are you confusing cause with effect, len? A persistent area of HP, at low latitudes, would cause SSTs rise, by dint of increased insolation; however, an already cold mass of surface water would cause higher pressure as a result of increased atmospheric density???
  6. It's just a shame that Elon Musk sounds like an expensive designer perfume!
  7. I'm not going to dismiss this natural cycle, Spark; only point out that successive peaks seem to be getting higher.
  8. Okay, I'll guess at Northholt next Monday...
  9. Has London ever had a large population of giant gerbils?
  10. Another day in which the Met's and the BBC's forecasts of 'showers becoming more wintry with time' have come to nothing. Needles to say, I hold out no hope for tomorrow! Edit: currently a balmy 5.5C...
  11. Lucky you! It's -1C and completely clear here. Another miss, methinks. Hope you see something, though.
  12. But, by the same token, some parts of the 'SE' are almost in Central Southern England?
  13. The same BBC who (only at lunchtime!) said that Thursday could see a fair amount of snow - in Eastern/Southeastern England?
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