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Everything posted by Methuselah

  1. SollyOlly Well, I've got my pension, so Iain Duncan Smith will not be best pleased!
  2. 78/79 Andy, I'm on Venlafaxine, Lisinopril and statins. . . the joys of getting old, eh?
  3. CryoraptorA303 Me neither. And I don't feel the cold either.
  4. damianslaw I'll HOPE for the former but expect the latter.
  5. damianslaw Cold as in blizzards, or cold as in merely boring and uncomfortable?
  6. And, seeing as so many folks are obsessed with calendar months. . .
  7. Metwatch Thankfully, the Met's opinion is not nearly as dire.
  8. Please don't laugh, but we have a Beast from the East incoming! You read it first, here. . .
  9. I'll only make one prediction for 2024: we'll not see a heatwave that surpasses 1976's 16 consecutive days with 90F maxima.
  10. RebsAbbo It can't possibly be more dangerous than the mindless waffle by Stalin's most useless idiot, Trofim Lysenko:
  11. The last two years have seen a very dramatic reduction in Antarctic sea ice:
  12. How will a BAU scenario (as advertised very loudly by Trump & Co) cope with rising sea levels? I mean, the bulk of human civilisation is in low-lying areas. We can't all relocate to Denver, Colorado, can we?
  13. Summer Sun But in science, according to Piers Corbyn and his acolytes, it's proof that the world is cooling!
  14. raz.org.rain raz.org.rain And I think it's the recent acceleration in warming that's played havoc with the modern use of analogues, dating back to the 19th century. . . Whatever any single analogue (or teleconnection) might have led to, in 1876, it surely has much less significance now than it did then. IMO, it's not the analogues/teleconnections that have gone astray -- it's the weather!
  15. But, anyhow, this graph is pretty definitive. It's no wonder that when Deniers refer to this or that 'warm period' they invariably neglect to post any supporting data: That said, the winters of 1971-'76 were indeed rather snowless.
  16. Nath But Trump's a Denier, and so are Truss and Farage.
  17. Addicks Fan 1981 IMO, you're giving far too much credence to the effects of the QBO?
  18. Addicks Fan 1981 And the summers of 1988 and 1995 couldn't have been more different.
  19. *Stormforce~beka* It's nae often I whinge about weather warnings, Beka, but, in this instance of easterly gales, I'll make an exception. . .
  20. Metwatch I was an arch-sceptic until the mid-1990s when I studied climatology, and nothing opens the mind more than learning. Someone -- I can't recall who -- once said that the best defence against logic is ignorance. . . Because I don't understand string theory means that string theory is nonsense, right? So, now, I'm more interested in CC's likely effects than whether or not it's real. . .
  21. Global temperatures are rising and GHGs are responsible. It's been the same for 4.5 billion years. And it isn't going to change any time soon?
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