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Blog Entries posted by Evo

  1. Evo
    Well after going cold turkey back in March I managed to resist the lures of Net-Weather and the associated procrastination, day dreaming of snow and the other general behaviours that go with Net-Weather addiction for some 8 months. Woohoo! Except that I thought I would drop by earlier and noticed that many of the same familiar folk still hang around here I was especially pleased to see a certain OON still pedalling his individual brand of dry wit and cynicism (and no doubt still total hatred of smilies ) I think I may pull up a chair and stay a while... Oh damn it, here we go again!
    Having a quick look around it's as if I never left. The site has continued to grow and contatulations have to go to Paul and all of the team.
    Well, back to the title, it's almost "the most wonderful time of the year" again. No, not Christmas, full blown ramp fever.
    I, for one, cannot wait
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