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Everything posted by Woollymummy

  1. It's the nasty streak coming at us on the left that is worrying me, this coming week may be a bit cool but at least it won't be the stinking u-bend of doom bubbling up poxy lows :-(
  2. Who needs to go storm chasing? This makes me want to hide under the duvet, I feel so cold today!
  3. The weekend just gone was great, two whole days without rain, enabling much allotment work to get done plus our son's birthday party in the garden to be fun and happy without coats or brollies. Yesterday's weather would have made me cry if it had happened on Sunday, as it was, hearing rain like gravel being chucked at the windows at work made me feel smug and cosy :-)
  4. Mostly cool but sometimes surprisingly warm and springlike in the sunshine.
  5. Speaking as an October birthday girl, I think last year was truly rare and warm: my special beach-cafe meal of fresh mussels after a pleasant swim in the sea in Carlyon Bay, that doesn't normally happen! Plus camping in Hurricane Bertha, the night before she struck was intensely hot, sultry, tropical. Also, Midsummer party for my daughter: totally amazing hot sunny camping in the garden. I am probably selectively remembering the times I was actually most fearful it would be cold and wet, and it surely wasn't that.
  6. Is there any record of changes in glacier thickness rather than total area or front positions, and is it possible that they are becoming much thinner due to warming, causing the sea ice to grow? Is the sea ice this decade made of more glacial runoff than frozen ocean, or is it always constant, and how do you know which is which? I have no data to add, sorry, just questions.
  7. I have very low expectations of winter these days. It was better than last year. It snowed, um, once or twice. We got to use our new woodburner. At least some slugs might have got frozen. Next year might be better. I mainly voted satisfactory as so many happy lucky friends in Scotland and Northern England got the full works, skiing and snowmen and everything :-)
  8. Beautiful day, frosty morning, brightest sunshine possible now, no idea of temperatures, who cares? It is my favourite kind of Feb weather :-)
  9. My phone is being a pain and keeps crashing but it looks like something is starting to happen at the beginning of March. After a long time of nothing much changing. Is it the same at the upper levels of the stratosphere?
  10. This link may help: http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/map/clim/gwo.htm ....I am still trying to learn what it means though so no more to add from me yet....
  11. There were a couple of years in which the OPI trend did not match the AO trend, maybe this is another odd year. Maybe.
  12. Some of us are still here, but there's nothing really to get excited about, today was a good day to be out working in the still thick air, making the most of the dry weather before it starts pouring tomorrow.
  13. Amazing beautiful weather two days in a row, happy feeling here in Oxfordshire
  14. Birds are busy and active at the moment due to longer daylight hours and need to forage more often, due to low temperatures; tempting to think their busyness is a sign of spring, but for them claiming their territory has to start now in winter, or else someone will have nicked their woman and their favourite tree by the time nesting has to start.
  15. As well as snow envy, have some light envy: our next door neighbour had two new security lights installed on her house so to see the snow I just have to stick my hand out of my front door and wave it!
  16. he he, just put a snowball in the freezer to prove to the kids this snow really happened in case it has washed away when they wake up, but you know what, I do not think it will have!!
  17. Lovely lovely snow, sneaking up on me while we were watching tv....more please :-)
  18. Thank you so much Tamara for all your posts, I am learning so much from them and understanding more and more each time.
  19. Nice and sunny and windy in Oxfordshire, snow all gone!
  20. Snow, blowing straight from the North, settling in our log pile ..... Hope to play in it in the morning :-)
  21. Because we all want to be able to see round the next corner, even if we know what is coming straight at us in the near future. Even if we are wrong, it is nice to try and see if we are right.
  22. Much more stretched out and elongated, is the next step going to be for it to move over to Siberia, or will it divide in two and high pressure will develop in the middle?
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