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Posts posted by robbie29

  1. Folks ...Chill..this is going to be a great snowfall for our region......Have faith...and wait till tomorrow to judge the event "Its a 48 hour system...some may take back what they say...because its only just beginning" Rock on and the main fall is forcast and after disecting the mip mop we have a good chance of a major fall with an awful lot of distruption. Hold tight. Robbie :)

  2. Dude... Have you seen how slow it's moving.. 3 hours of snow easily. (well 3 hours of rain for me).

    I want snow as much as the next person, at no point was the ever mentioned 3hrs of snow from this system, the front edge of the percipitaion if far to light and weak and the heavy echos have lost its intecerty.

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