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Everything posted by Bumpkin

  1. Piddling down now with large rumbles. Husband ran into the garage to watch and then quickly ran back in because he was scared lol
  2. Been rumbling constantly to the east of us for a few hours now. Looking at the radar there could be some heading directly for us. Edit: Now some proper rumbling!
  3. Hello everyone, long time no see. This image was posted by Netweather on Twitter this morning http://ow.ly/i/6gJxe/original and I had to chuckle as there is a hole in the middle of the masses of crosses where of course I live I've watched snow clouds on the radar go around us and reform, it looks like thunderstorms do too!
  4. Ahh the sun is shining and I'm dreaming of summer. I think we need to make the most of days like these. Garden has turned into a swamp, I had to put my wellies on to hang the washing out
  5. Shocked that my garden is still in one piece. My trees have taken such a battering and was convinced my old alders wouldn't make it but everything is still standing. Even the home-made greenhouse and the trampoline are still in place. Talking about trampolines, Preston road in Yeovil was closed yesterday whilst the emergency services tried to get a trampoline down from a tree by the roadside. http://www.westerngazette.co.uk/Reports-giant-trampoline-blown-tree-Preston-Road/story-20631320-detail/story.html
  6. Sat here in my pyjamas drinking my coffee trying to get myself together to go outside to work in this. Perhaps the calves won't notice if they miss breakfast? Nah not going to get away with it am I! Will have to survey any damage when it gets light.
  7. I'd be interested to know what strength the wind has to be to get certain warnings. We have had gusts 65-70mph and we are in a yellow be aware warning.
  8. Lights keep dimming here First time in any of these storms the electric has threatened to go.
  9. As far as I know the roads in this area are ok, we haven't had a huge amount of rain today, just wind is the main problem. Obviously around the levels there are massive problems. If you have twitter, follow traffic south-west, great for updates on all travel problems.
  10. Had an interesting walk with the dogs across the fields. I was doing my Kenny from Southpark impression with my hood and I thought my spaniel was going to take off as his ears were flapping so wildly! I reckon I managed to throw the dog's ball some record distances though
  11. wind speed of 45mph, gusting to 66mph. I'm trying to convince my spaniel that he really doesn't want his afternoon walk but he isn't listening. my old lab doesn't care either way.
  12. Whilst having her sulk she must have thought it through and seems to understand my reasoning, so I don't feel as evil now. Wind has really got up during the last hour, now gusting to over 40mph. Took the dogs out across the fields earlier and the rain was like icy needles jabbing my face, totally unpleasant.
  13. My daughter normally goes to Youth club on Friday evenings but it is 4 miles from here. Shes currently in her room sulking (inset day) as I told her it was unlikely she is going tonight as I won't risk our lives. Hopefully one day she will realise I'm not evil but looking out for her welfare!
  14. Just had a shower of small hail with a few flakes mixed in. The sky to the south of here looks a very odd pinky/grey colour.
  15. Had a cracking hail storm earlier just as I was about to leave to collect my daughter, I held back for a couple of minutes as it looked painful. Gone dark here and just started raining.
  16. Went to Street first thing to get a few things in Sainsburys when I had a shock as I walked to the checkout and saw it snowing heavily out of the window. I only thought it was snow at higher elevations. It didn't settle but I can now say I saw snow fall this winter.
  17. Sun is poking through the clouds an the winds easing a bit after what was a pretty awful morning. I was out in the field earlier with the drawstrings on my hood done up so tight that I looked like Kenny from Southpark, I had such a miniscule face. The icy rain being blown into my face was painful. I've got tubs lining the window sills catching the rain coming in and we have a moat around the house. We have put pallets outside the door to walk on between the house and the car. Wind gusts were just shy of 70mph at one point.
  18. I'm going to be incredibly controversial and declare that I don't care if we don't get any snow this winter/spring. I'm fed up with wet and just want a lovely dry spell. I didn't see lying snow between 1997 and 2008 so this wouldn't bother me. ::runs away and puts on tinfoil hat::
  19. I've just looked at the radar and ran the animation an it certainly seems that the heaviest of the rain is going along the channel and Northern France currently and maybe heading for the SE England as you say. Many congratulations to Karlos and his family and to also dancing Daisy on becoming a Gran. Glad your Grandson is getting better.
  20. We have had a rain gauge on the farm since Christmas and have recorded 280ml of rain since then. Just over night and this morning we recorded 24ml. Just have to hope and pray for a pattern change soon. Good luck and best wishes to Karlos and Mrs Karlos, I hope all goes smoothly and it won't be long until you are holding baby Karlos.
  21. Morning! I think we can safely say it a wee bit stormy out there. I emptied the tub I had in the corner of the dining room window this morning because of a leak and emptied out 2.8 litres and its filling up fast again. The wind must have change direction as the other leaks have started and so have an array of pots and pans lining the window sills. Rain easing down again at the moment and wind gusting to 51mph. I was woken by an incredible hail storm at about 5am, the sound of it hitting my window was astounding. Road at the bottom of the hill is impassable and the fields are flooded but otherwise the roads aren't too bad from what i have seen. Take care.
  22. I love where I live but during stormy weather it gets a bit scary being the only house stuck in the middle of a field. Windows are leaking again. 5.2c averaging 30mph windspeed, gusting 40+mph. Feels stronger at times though.
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