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Everything posted by Bonjangle

  1. Now this is the best post of all time , thank you for telling us that , so we are going to be in a Snow geddon ..
  2. Oh well , crack on Spring time then , another bleak winter we are getting here then, also nice to see the nights drawing out .
  3. Yes that do look interesting Yes that do look interesting
  4. -4.5 here and some shower activity hitting the Pembrokshire coast now as i type looking at Will it rain today ... anyone there can say what is falling from the sky
  5. Helen Willets gave a great weather report just earlier on BBC WALE'S saying that a Snow event could happen next week in Wale's she must of been talking about this http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/feeds/30824978?ns_mchannel=social&ns_campaign=bbc_weather&ns_source=twitter&ns_linkname=news_central
  6. We shall now take your Snow , thanks for giving it to us here in Taffy land ' you need to share it at times
  7. Do this mean to be snow for us in wales
  8. Quality Sir just pure Quality ... Not getting no reply in the MOD Thread , i think they are thinking of there own area's that aint going to see has much as were may get .
  9. I and many others think Wales is also the part of the UK , Can you advise us if we are in for some snow or even sleet into the weekend and into next week , Thankyou .
  10. What about the east and other parts of Wales .
  11. Please explain and show charts if you can.
  12. Thunder /Hail and so dark that the lampost turned there selves on , all clear now but wind is howling .
  13. Nothing here once again .Ice only from hail ' Ramp i need to do .Heavy snow coming Saturday on wards, that will help
  14. Hail and the odd wet snow flake that fell earlier as now all iced up and is trecherous outside now , more showers to come though through the night so not all over as of yet ...
  15. Heavy hail here , settled and was quite white , now snowing very lightly with small flake.
  16. Sleet falling now with a few flakes for good measure .
  17. Good bye , sorry to see you go , i think you will be back though when that white stuff start's to fall in your region .
  18. Get 2 Grips , it is only the 2nd day of Jan ... Another 2 months of winter ..Do not follow computer models , They are not the best ever to look at , Fax are the best , i swear down on them UKMO is the one to Follow .... Frack the others , i know the score but will not tell anyone in here as when i have said what will happen my post gets booted .... COLD IS COMING !!! Listen to me and the Met man !! :yahoo:k
  19. Love it ... look at that ... its going to get cold and Snow gedden is upon us
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