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Stratocumulus perlucidus

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Everything posted by Stratocumulus perlucidus

  1. Its still moving north slowly so those more north than Merseyside may still see something
  2. Already have more than just after xmas. Only been snowing an hour
  3. I have never seen snow like this before! All the puddles are gone and its just all white
  4. Im thinking the front over the west coast hasnt moved which cant allow the second front with hook feature to progress. But i could be wrong with that
  5. It has been doing it all night and today. It intensifies and then gets squeezed out. Like litting brick sieve!
  6. Whatever it is lets hope it pushes further this way and give us all a dumping. The windspeeds and directions on radar shows a disturbance around hull aswell.
  7. Yeah something is keeping it there. Noticed last night it seemed to have stall line north of lancaster.
  8. The ppn over tyne has circulation to it. Noticed it a few times since last night but xcweather shows no low at any time i checked.
  9. this is the heaviest its been all night. Shame it never started sooner as another 5-10mins and it will stop
  10. Yeah its been snowing light all night here and the first heavy fell as rain at first. Been strange night.
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