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Everything posted by roys

  1. will there be any butterfly effect on the weather when they launch the rocket on Tuesday, will it stir the cold weather in to action, any thoughts anyone.
  2. ​one thing for sure is that we will get weather what kind is down to mother nature, its no good trying to second guess the weather it will do what it wants cold rain mild warm snow frost fog wind we get all these at any time of year, just accept what comes.
  3. well it will be winter so no mater what it will be cold radiators on keeping warm gone for 60% at this range, we will see.
  4. think we are about 250 meters above sea level J.Holmes.
  5. well here in Sheffield we ended up with about 8 inch of snow stil no gritters out nothing going any where only 4 by 4s its a winter wonder land here.
  6. think we could end up with 8 or 10 inches if this keeps on maybe more.
  7. blowing like a blizzard here now in sheffield, 5 to midnight.
  8. still snowing hear in sheffield about five inches laying dosent seem to be letting up, kids will have fun in morning playing in snow.
  9. two inches here in south sheffield roads at a stand stil, no sign of gritters and plenty of minor car bumps.
  10. Not an answer but agreement that this can effect the weather, if the sulphur dioxide gets high enough in to the atmosphere it will reflect the suns rays back out in to space and cause a temperature drop of 1to 2 Celsius, thats my understanding of it so yes it can effect the weather.
  11. BBCweather forcast say blue air mass from Thursday on wards looks cold
  12. hi every one i am 61 years old and this is the wetest mildest winter i can remember no snow couple of light frost. a warning to all dog owners make sure your dog is up to date with vaccines as kennel cough parvo and distemper will be prevalent this spring.
  13. very few here in south east sheffield there used to be lots but not seen many this year
  14. not seen many wasp this year but we have had thousands of bumble bees, been hearing reports of people seeing alot of wasp but were i live only seen od one or two could the cold winter last year have anything to do with this
  15. i am looking forward to the meteor shower should it happen as there will be different elements in the tail and should give us some colour full displays
  16. roys

    bash the smokers

    time to bash the smokers again, new ad on tv showing tumors growing on cigs wile being smoked by the way i am a smoker the goverment tell us that it is costing the nhs too mutch, but they never mention the 20 billion they get in tax off us smokers. why dont they start to pick on the drinkers as they cost the nhs 20 billion a year roting livers diseaced kidneys drunken punch ups drunk drivers you get my drift i also like an occasionall drink. my grump is that the goverment wont take on the drinks industry as this would realy make them unpopular but thats ok they will just put more tax on the beer to make us pay, not as mutch as ciggs though two thirds of the price is tax on every pack average is four pound forty wy dont they do this with beer they darenot but they would like to that would sort the economy out would it not
  17. hi i was ten years old in sixty three and remember it well ican tell you now that if we had another winter like that the country would be in disaray the roads would crumble to smitherenes as there are more pachtes of repairs that would just be riped up. it makes me shuder to think how we would be left
  18. yes we have seen it all before will the models do a flip flop and revert back to what we have at the mo
  19. no model exspert but it looks to me that those highs could be heading south
  20. where have all the sparrows and starlings gone, were i live there used to be thousands of them not seen many of late
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