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Everything posted by IanR

  1. Yes, still chances tommorrow, I am at work in ST Helens tomorrow, just watch all the activity kick off north of wigan or more east over manchester way this time
  2. you have to laugh, other wise all this waiting for storms then your shield activating would drive you insane
  3. thats because it had to get past me first, my personal storm shield is killing the electrical activity been watching each and everyone of these cells all day lose their thunder as soon as they hit a few miles south of here, to say I am a little annoyed is an understatemant at least I catched a fork and a rumble thats my ration for the month
  4. looks like wigan is in a storm void , although I saw two forks of IC lightning and a rumble south of here in the warrington and st helens storm, as it moved closer the thunder has stopped, just typical , just heavy rain again now,
  5. Dont rub it in, it was supposed to be our turn, the same areas getting the most again send them over here ...please
  6. I think the north west thunder fizzler is geared up ready to zap any electrical activity here, the thunder has been trying, hence reports of sporadic isolated rumbles(not here) , but the shield is killing any widespread or organised electrics the thunder has no chance here Another fail here, no thunder will happen , thing is, there is nothing we can do about it, things have changed, so its time to throw in the towel , I for one wont moan any more ,no point anymore
  7. just heavy rain again here , yawn anything since ,I am only 8 miles north and just keep getting heavy rain here, surely we are due at least a few rumbles ,
  8. sure I just heard distant low grumble of thunder , but there was a plane circling for either manchester ot liverpool so it was hard to discern, but it was a deeper rumble and sounded more distant than the plane,,nothing for 5 mins though
  9. I think it would be so ironic if today I am too far EAST would not surprise me
  10. Really dont know why anymore, more CO2? making the air heavier and less convective, but that goes against the big storms they still get in france...Its just us isnt it,,,got to be the colder seas below the surface,,,,oh I dont know !
  11. Looks like the same areas being affected again, ah well, chin up at least we have a mass of moderate rain heading up now, Storms for tommorrow in the north west? I heard someone say, had to laugh
  12. cells in north west lol , where? there are some in north cumbria moving into scotland, All I see on the radar is light rain indicated by the blue heading here
  13. We do live in hope, I hate to be negative but I have a feeling it will be just moderate to heavy nightime rain for here, . you might see a rare distant flash over east way if you are very lucky, Seen all this hype many many times, thunder is as rare as hens teeth here now, Its seems since following this forum as well, maybe I should stay away
  14. Dont expect any thunderstorms here though, them days are gone
  15. agree 100% I do actually blame the colder winters for the decrease in storms, its not proven. but it does seem a funny coincidence, There are folks who want persistent -20c temps in winter and cool summers, but moan about lack of storms, sorry you cannot have your cake and eat it. Lets hope this very warm summer is a sign that the climate is 'resetting ' itself and we will get some mild winters ahead, gales in autumn, with warmer summers and those much missed thunderstorms and plentiful convective days Just like the good old nineties, wishful thinking I know
  16. UNBELIEVABLE, Its got beyond bad luck now for that region, although I am just north of there and in a more risk zone, I always look south for storms to come up from there, What I feel will happen is like what happened today, a few isolated ones will form about 15 miles east or north of here and move away. Could it be the Mersey basin be having an effect ? maybe the colder winters have cooled the water It was not always bad there, especially in the 80's and 90's and the Mersey basin has been there for thousands of years.So really at loss now,
  17. some of those strikes in the irish storm sound like positive cg's
  18. Is that really surprising !! the north west of England has become the most storm deprived area of the uk, now Scotland and Ireland get more storms , we are either to far north, to far west , and now today to far bloody south, another major fail here , pathetically wrong forecast yesterday, promising the north west a good scattering of heavy storms, not happening AGAIN
  19. lol. you can see the Cheshire storm zapper has been active, click on the map to see a larger image and the void in north Cheshire is plain to see, just laughable , the lightning kicks off again as it enters lancs, what the hell and another place that storms avoid is St Helens, yesterday i had to leave a half decent storm here to go to work, as i headed to St Helens it was just light drizzle there. the folks said there was just a couple of distant rumbles over Wigan way. Yes thats the storm I had to leave to come here and miss the best part, damn work
  20. its seems strange that since the BBC dropped those old graphics for the new rubbish blue splodges they use now. it co- insides with less storms, also what was the difference between the larger lightning symbol with no black cloud and the smaller one with a cloud, never got that one. I used to think it meant clear sky lightning which is nonsense of course
  21. distant lightning haha , we are not even lucky enough to get that over here
  22. I am just a a couple of miles from you in Hindley, did you get the couple of close bolts this morning ? some bubbling cumulus south and west with dark bases, but not really doing much, very hazy looking, so hard to tell how structured they are , cant really see any storms here TBH
  23. clouds seem to moving from the SSE direction here at the moment , a good sign?
  24. TWO close cracks of thunder this morning with two sheet lightning flashes, and two distant rumbles The hail and rain mix was torrential for a couple of minutes, Bit dissapionted there was not more fireworks, but hey this is Wigan and I should be grateful of this consulation prize Maybe just enough to get me out of here, maybe not nothing will happen here today despite being in the orange zone, you can write the script with these so called plume events now,
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