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June 2005 Weather Summary



June 2005 was spent mostly in Lancaster.The month got off to a very dull and damp start, but the 6th to 8th were very sunny. I remember wandering around Lancaster doing shopping on the 8th in bright sunshine, and getting somewhat sunburnt. Temperatures were very low for the time of year, but in the sun it felt warm.The weather turned showery towards the 12th with a couple of spectacular rainbows, then a few dull damp days followed. So far, so average.I think, though, that the second half of June 2005 ranks among my favourite summer 'half-month periods' of all time. The weather was consistently very warm and sunny but not uncomfortably hot (maxima in the 20-25C range) and there were a couple of thundery breakdowns, most notably on the 19th. Lancaster missed the main zone of thunderstorms, but caught a small one on the western flank. I may not have had a good 21st birthday, but I can't complain about the weather I had on it- it was sunny and warm all day.Late June 2005 was one of those summer periods where I'd rather be "up north" than "down south"- while I welcome brief heatwaves (especially if they trigger thunderstorms), I find prolonged hot spells difficult to cope with after a while, and the South East certainly had one.Statistically the month was warm, but unfortunately I had no access to sunshine and rainfall data for Lancaster. I'd guess it was 10-20% sunnier than the long-term average.The month averaged 61% on my ranking system, but this hides the fact that the final third averaged 71%. Only two Junes (1996 and 2003) averaged higher percentage scores on my records.


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