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March 2014 Forecast



[size=5][b]March 2014 - [/b][size=4]Based on long range forecasts and the climate simulator.[/size][/size]


After the wettest winter since records began there are signs of above average rainfall continuing into March especially for the West.


Eastern parts are likely to see average rainfall amounts.


The South East of England is likely to see 1°C or maybe even 1.5°C above average temperatures as the rest of the UK stays on the average side. There are no signs
of any colder than normal temperatures for March.


[b]Pressure Patterns[/b]

Low pressure is expected to remain the main feature during March. High pressure may make a regular appearence in the Atlantic but there are no signs of it being strong enough to block off the Atlantic. However the high pressure over Scandinavia is looking very strong and I expect it at times to give Eastern parts of the country some settled drier weather with the slightly above average temperatures as well.




The image above shows a similar pattern we have seen this winter with low pressure mainly been driven in from the Atlantic giving unsettled weather to the West and above average rainfall. The East can expect something different with the rainfall being average and above average temperatures thanks to high pressure coming in from the East from time to time.


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