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13 Weeks In

Azores Hi


[left]Well, here we are 13 weeks into fatherhood! I’m very conscious of becoming a baby bore (see earlier blog entry) so I’ll keep it brief! In a nutshell I’ve never been so tired and yet so happy, she is a little darling and any sleepless nights are forgiven with one little smile.[/left][left]In other news we have finally sold the back end of our garden to our neighbor who is going to build a house on the plot of land. It’s great to finally see this happen as we have been negotiating and trying to get it sorted for the last 4 years! It is heartbreaking to see the bulldozers move in and part of me feels like we have sold a small part of our souls as my wife and I are keen gardeners and we had ambitious landscaping plans when we first moved in. A couple of trees which we planted ourselves 10 years ago have also been chopped down and I’m glad we were out when it happened.[/left][left]However looking forward it means that we are in a nice position financially, much better than I hoped for considering my wife lost her job while she was pregnant.[/left][left]I remember writing in an earlier blog about how this year seems to be quite hectic and full on. Well that theme has continued and it feels like sometimes my life is stuck on fast forward these days.[/left][left]Having completed the garden sale we immediately set off to look for another house and exploring the possibilities of renting out our current property. However, considering the fast pace of this year and not wanting to tempt fate we have decided to hold off until after Christmas. In addition we have a family member in relationship troubles, and one who has grave health issues. This year is proving to be just a bit too full on and we are reluctant to push our luck. [/left][left]Time to sit back, take stock and enjoy life for a short while… [/left][left]… and if that isn’t tempting fate I don’t know what is! [/left][left][img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/312376_10150298693508995_754708994_8047017_1935201963_n.jpg[/img][/left]


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