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People Are Never Satisfied!

Thundery wintry showers


Reading through Summer Model Discussion threads... sometimes I wonder what it would take to abolish the air of negativity in there!

Hot and sunny for at least a week won't do, people complain that it's too hot.
Modestly warm, dry and sunny (or cloudy) for at least a week won't do, people complain that it's too boring.
Anything less than either of those two won't do, because people complain that we aren't having a summer and pray for a prolonged settled spell (hence "at least a week" in the above).

I find the convective discussion threads a breath of fresh air because they involve people finding positives in the weather we're having. True, some people don't see anything to like in convective weather, just as I don't see anything to like in days on end of stratus trapped on the periphery of an anticyclone. We all have different preferences after all. But it would be nice if those who despise particular types of weather would stop imposing their misery on everyone else when they occur.

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