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Tim's Tardis

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Pseudorandom S**te

Tim B



Huh? With the exception of this image I haven't uploaded anything yet ^^.

Ah well here's to another Sunday spent at crappy work!

With everyone hung over from last nights crimbo party I might add :rolleyes:

Which I didn't go to however since they wanted me to pay £30 just for the privilege since I've only been there 5 minutes, something which I had no intention of doing considering it was £10 for everybody else.

Which is still taking the jaffa cakes imo.

Even though its only once a year I'd rather spend my money in town going from one place to another, though having said that I could have probably crashed it and got in for nothing if I wanted with the old, "Look in to my eyes, look in to my eyes! Not around the eyes, look in to the eyes, *click* you're under! Thing..

As you probably know already I went around town on Friday night anyway with some people I've not seen in ages, it was a pretty fun night actually and I met a couple of interesting characters as well.

Like that girl who my friend had with her, she was very cool and I hope I see her again actually as theres something I wouldn't mind asking her :doh:

Following on there was Saturdays Invasion on our custom UT2004 server, which I thought was ace especially since I haven't played it for ages!

Plus with me being an admin there as I can give everyone special treats, hehe!

See this cafe thread for a couple of pics of that insanity:


It was a great afternoons gaming that, it really was! :D

If you play UT2004 or just happen to have it installed then check our weapons of power server out some time, heres the address:


Annoying custom map crashes aside the regulars and myself have had some good games there.

Moving away from the gaming scene the second half of the third series of Stargate Atlantis has been pretty interesting so far, I really enjoyed that episode with the whales that I saw just over a week ago.

I thought it was quite cleverly done and it was something of a one and only as it didn't reference recent happenings in previous episodes at all, something critics have nit picked to death right from the start though I found it very refreshing as sequential stories inheriting off each other all the time becomes a tedious and boring monotony very quickly when it drags over in to a new series and just carries on like they seem to think it should.

"Its not real life to digress like that!" They say..

"Good!" I say, I've got enough real life every day thanks, a nice cold beer on a hot summer evening is really refreshing every now and then.

My new avatar came from that episode actually, here's that image uncompressed:


Anyway speaking of cold beer I think I'll shut up now and go get one (or something close anyway, so long as it has precious alcohol :lol: )

Thanks for reading!

Take care!


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