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Roo's Ramblings.....

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hello,haven't done this for a week...oops! Been quite busy, working, sleeping (my new hobby) and looking for houses....Spent much of the weekend sifting through housing papers and looking them on the web....NOW I realise why they say St. Albans is around the second most expensive place in the country! Owch!Oh well, at least we've got good salaries, but I really do wonder how on earth people who are earning less, or indeed anyone younger than their 30s manages...it really is soooooo expensive....




I'm just going to have a little moan here....Having said that I didn't think a joke about Liverpool was in particularly good taste (remember the Spectator, etc) suddenly the thread goes nuts and before I know it, we're into the realms of political correctness and bring back golliwogs....My goodness!I get really, really, p'd off with people who have a go at political correctness and cite lunatic examples like whiteboards, etc....that is NOT what it's about....it's about respecting each other and




hello all.....well my brain appears to ahve come back on line a little bit, which is very nice. I'm starting to think it was probably stunned into inoperation by the thought of pregnancy...I've never really thought of myself as the maternal type IYKWIM....spent a lot of years working, me and Mr Roo have been together for ages without geting wed or feeling a great urge to prodcue mini-roos.....but now that it's happening, I'm really getting used to the idea....I'm actually starting to feela litt



Hello Again!

hi all,been awol for a little bit mainly due to the whole expecting a sprog thing which has completely and utterly addled my brain and left me dazed and stoopid! I am now having to rely on post it notes 24/7 otherwise I forget all the time...This is a pretty major thing for me as I'm usually pretty quick and have a very good memory, but not no more, oh noooooo! For example, when I went into work today, I even forgot the name of one of my colleagues who I have known for 10 years!!!!! I'm hoping




well, I am now completely over my cold, but have found the reason why I've STILL been feeling very tired and a bit queezy!!! Yep, you guessed it...the Roo is going to have a Mini-Roo!!! Completely unexpected, but I am feeling great (apart from the fact that I feel completely on another planet....maybe my brain is already shrinking????). Andrew is very happy too, although it has to be said that we're both looking a little shell shocked at the mo! Actually the funniest reaction was my mum who w




well the Roo-meister has got a cold....and not one of the occasional sniff and the odd cough variety...ohhhh noooooooo! This is of the raging fever, two days in bed, hacking your guts up and sneezing variety....courtesy of Andrew's niece.....I knew I shouldn't have spent time with the common in laws last week.....conclusive proof it's bad for me health!Anyway, having coughed and spluttered through the last two days, I haven't really done a lot apart from watch loads of telly and sleep....even en




well, here we are...back at Roo blog central awaiting with baited breath the pearls of wisdom....sorry ducks, pearls of wisdom is off, as always...so what has the Roo-ster been up to recently....well after blowing the penguin to 30 million smithereens, this weeks has been pretty quiet in comparison. Went to visit the common inlaws (oh, how I love that phrase...worth not getting married for!) which was the usual free for all and fixed grin affair (that's me with the fixed grin).....then went to w




Been having a great day on here!!! snow this morning, which was very nice, and then an afternoon of gooning lunacy with A Daft Penguin and the Goon Squad reforming to splat said Awfully Dangerous Pingu!!!Wonder if the joke has sunk in yet? Probably not, but we await to see whether they have as good a sense of humour about the raid as OON did....And if you haven't got a clue what I'm talking about then you probably have never looked at the Serious Discussion threads!!!Oh well! what a good friday.




well today has been another odd day in Snorbens weather....woke this morning to coldish, but damp conditions, then around lunchtime it started coming down with little bits of snow, and has been on and off ever since...nothing layed until it got dark, but now it certainly is!But the fantastic thing was, the snow during the day, was the most perfect crystalline snow I've ever seen....each flake was a little beautiful six pointed fella and none stuck together, each flake was individual and beautifu




I haven't done this for a couple of days, so thought I'd better get my backside in gear and get on with it....woke this morning to another covering of snow (went and scooped up large quantities of it for my indoor-azalea Archie, who very much hates our nasty tap water!) and had a little paddle about outdoors in my big warm coat, scarf and gloves! Of course, by now all snow has gone again, but it is almost getting to the point where, when I open the curtains in the morning, I expect snow!Anyway,



Friday Again!

yippee...end of the week is here and miraculously it's been snowing for most of the day: have woken up to snow for the last 3 days, which is kinda odd!Am off out with my friend and her new boyf tonight....we are going to be the dry run, to see if he's acceptable to be introduced to all her other friends!!! Poor love, she's such a sweetie and sooo nervous about this kind of thing...I'm keeping my fingers crossed it'll be an OK night...should be, but then again you never quite know, do you? But, a




well today after waking up to an inch or snow this morning, it's all melted and gone slushy....But that hasn't stopped it snowing all morning, even though it was wet rather than cold....And I had to go out in it! NASTY! Even more nasty because the reason for going out was to visit the dentist to have a filling!!!......so now half my face is numb, I haven't been able to have lunch and all the snow is gone....and I'm feeling pretty sorry for myself!Roll on summer, I say....could do with some nice




Well today I quit smoking! According to my clock it is now exactly 15 hours and 23 minutes since I had my last cigarette........SO WHY DOES IT FEEL LIKE 3 YEARS AGO??????!!!No...I am fine...I can do this....really...I can.....maybe.....HELP!Better again...I have patches you know....and an inhalator....and lozenges.....BUT THE ONE THING I DON'T HAVE IS A CIGGIE......OH WHAT I WOULD DO FOR A SMOKE RIGHT NOW....no I can do this....Pros: I won't die as quicklyI won't smell like an ashtrayI will have



Kites And Goons...

well another mad afternoon on the forum is rapidly developing.....and it all started with OON...yet again! After a failed mission to kidnap his sheep last night and the prospect of more snow today, I guess it was kinda inevitable really wasn't it???? Oh well.... roll on summer!Anyway, on another topic completely, I forgot to mention about part of my weekend....it involves a big hawk and the M40. Confused? well you're obviously not a bird person then!!!No, seriously, they have reintroduced Red Ki



Cold, Cold, Cold....

went into London this morning and froze! The wind is biting...and apart from a few flakes of snow last night and this morning (which were gone before the poor little dears even knew they had left the clouds) nothing...Had a great weekend...went to my best friend's housewarming which was great fun...started at 3pm, ended at 3am; Excellent!!! Great time was had by all.....and I didn't even manage to get too trolleyed either so didn't have the 'hangover from hell experience'....yayayayayay! Maybe a



Friday At Last....

well, after all the silliness of last night I had to spend the first part of today stitching my sides back together....I then moved on to looking at 32 very small and nasty pieces of Irish prehistoric pottery, followed by typing 36 foreign addresses into a database for work....what fun, eh?After cleaning the flat, doing the washing and watching something I had recorded the other night, back on here to be faced with ghosts, archways and monks! I sense another night of lunacy imminent......Anyway,




Now, for anyone who is not already absolutely sick of the topic: sheds!............no, please come back.....don't go...I didn't mean it.....really! anyway, had a fun day today playing around with photoshop and getting the battle plans drawn up for the mission tonight (if you don't know what I'm talking about...then go check out the threads!)....Commander MM0NDX seems to have everything under control and has a capable side kick with Gunner Squits...I am sure they will be successful and OON's sh



Long Day......

hello all...haven't done this for a day or so (work has this irritating habit of getting in the way of all my fun!)...spent yesterday downloading maps from the internet for my other half......every continent, country and significant state has now been downloaded in outline form, ready to be played about with and then uploaded onto the malaria chairty site...and today, I spent 10am-4.30pm in meetings.......arrghhhhhhh! anyone who has ever sat on a committee will know exactly how I feel...and the



Valentine's Day.....

it's cold and windy here, and apart from a bit of wet snow last night we haven't had anything else....valentine's day today....got given a lovely weather book by my other half (I think he realises this is my new thing!) lots of pics of extreme weather, types of clouds, etc. Excellent!Having a nice meal tonight, which will be nice...and a posh bottle of red too! Yum!been into London today and braved the half term traffic with all the kids...managed to keep away from the British Museum though...wh



Still Waiting.....

it's cold and very windy here today, but despite a few flakes this morning (and I mean a few!) we haven't had any more snow....Every now and again, the sky goes dark, I run to the window, the cloud thickens and then just moves off....I reckon we must be just to west of everywhere getting snow....sob!Apart from that, not much to report....got up late, read the papers, watched a bit of telly, and now I'm back here again, surfing the boards.....I'd really like some snow....even just a little bit wo




well after a mild and wet start this morning (whilst we were on our way out, of course!) we've now got scudding cloud and the temp has dropped....fingers crossed for even a smattering of snow! Did the trip into town to get shopping and spent most of the time being battered and pushed about by hoards of men desperately scouring the shops for roses and a heart shaped box of chocs........The majority of younger men have pushchairs with them: very Islington set in St. Albans....the men get sent out




well it's friday at last...yippee! Long weekend of doing nothing stretches ahead which will be nice...that's if I can extracate andrew from the computer which, as many others have said on here, is not always easy...the joys of working from home!Anyway, got a nice long walk in the park planned if the weather is nice (if it's not to wet and cold) the usual dutiful stuff, like shopping and washing and catching up on some other stuff...OOoooooo...BTW...watched 'Ice Age' for the first time last night




well today is wet and miserable here....had to go out to get some stuff and of course, my umbrella decided to go the way of the pear, so arrived home wet and cold....but managed to get other half's valentine's gift...can't say what it is cos the so and so is watching my every post , but we always have a £10 limit to try to make it a bit more fun, rather than just 'here's a bunch of flowers and here's a dvd for you dear'....ooooo, and I also bought the most wonderful ironing board cover from Wo



Big Brother....

Now I happen to know my other half has syndicated my blog, so today I want to talk lots about him, just to wind him up! Hello Andrew, by the way!!! lolHe's only recently started working from home which has entailed the buying of a second computer, the total reorganisation of our small flat, and my acceptance of losing my home space, as it were...Apart from a few teething troubles we're getting along famously which is excellent, and it is wonderful that he no longer has to get up at the crack of




Well today has been very quiet...Spent an hour watching Ellen MacArthur this morning...what an amazing girl she is: 28, 5'2" and a woman and she has really taken on all challengers and beaten them! Good on her...she really is an inspiration.It actually made me think...my best friend is due to take part in the Global Challenge Race in 2006...I'm really proud of her, but I'm also a little bit scared, cos I know that every day she's away, I'll be logging on all the time just to make sure she's OK..



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