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It's sick, bring grapes.

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Well quite frankly, since Christmas the SAD has really kicked in, dreary weather, short days and post xmas blues all combined to make me feel like it’s all pointless. I’ve got lots to live for, my life is pretty great actually. But the trouble is I just wanna sleep all the time and let it all pass me by. I’ve got no enthusiasm for anything right now. The only thing that helps is plenty of exercise and then the Spring. Until then, cocooning isn’t an option, I have a life to lead and a job to

Azores Hi

Azores Hi

January to be renamed.

Well the decorations are down, leaving the house strangely sterile, the last of the Christmas chocolate is slowly going stale and grey by the sofa, I threw out some mouldering ham which I energetically cooked pre Christmas but just didn’t have room in my belly to squeeze it in. The television schedule has returned to its default setting of predictable, homogenous, bland and awful. (no real change from Xmas really). January has started cold but looks rapidly to be turning to mush. I haven’t b

Azores Hi

Azores Hi

Happy New year

Well tonight I will be eating half a cow, drinking whiskey until things stop hurting and my eyesight starts to fail, then I shall retire to the garden to fire expensive and potentially lethal fireworks at next doors shed. Happy new year everyone!

Azores Hi

Azores Hi

Merry Christmas

Wishing all you blog readers and friends a very happy Christmas and a weather beaten new year. May your summer storms be overhead and super cellular and your hollows be forever frosty! Have a good one peeps

Azores Hi

Azores Hi

Radiator song

To the tune of Thunder child....thanks to Flagpole! He appears to be quite simple. As he leans against the wall. Enamelled in plain white splendour. He isn't very tall. They turn him on when it's winter, Turn him off when it's mild. Once a year they paint him, Radiator child! Sorry I forgot to take my pills.....

Azores Hi

Azores Hi

Duck Tour

Well, this weekend I went to London for the day. Had a fantastic time particularly the London Duck Tour. For those that don’t know the duck tour is a tourist trip around London in a nine ton WW2 amphibious vehicle, which has been painted bright yellow. The highlight of the trip is at the end when you plummet into the Thames via the MI6 slipway and take a cruise along the river. I can thoroughly recommend it if you like things quirky. The rest of the day was spent in bars or walking the town, ma

Azores Hi

Azores Hi

Life's a Beach

When I'm stressed out, I close my eyes and I'm there, on that beach......you know the one! The one which is warm and tropical and just perfect. Maybe your beach is different from mine, the details are not important but we all have our beach. Mines a real beach in Tasmania, a perfect little cove, the sand is white, it's secluded (you have to hike over some mountains to get there). There is a little stream where I can build a dam and there is a small lagoon. There are rockpools to explore and a h

Azores Hi

Azores Hi

Winter Seasonal Forecast!

So you took the bait then, time to reel you in I suppose. Here is my forecast for the short term and then looking further ahead, hope you like it.... Synoptic situation. Number of meetings attended 3 Number of meetings to go 1 Urge to kill rising Will to live falling. Forecast. Urge to kill is expected to rise with increasing frequency of gits from the south west. Will to live expected to fall further as pressure rises. The longer term outlook is mainly dull with outbreaks of pain. As the weeken

Azores Hi

Azores Hi


I’m allergic to autumn, don’t know why but I get horrible hayfever symptoms from Sept to the first frosts. Some say I’m allergic to fungal spores, could be, it doesn’t really matter though as I can’t seem to avoid it. This year has been particularly worse however; I’d forgotten what proper long term ill is like. It’s just exhausting isn’t it? It made me wonder how these people with long term illness cope with it day after day or even year after year. I hope I’m never unfortunate enough to ex

Azores Hi

Azores Hi

Farewell.....for now.

As the azores high slips majestically away from our shores after a lengthy stay (like a relative who's visit is at first welcomed but after 2 weeks of complaining about the bed and the food is booted out with an empty promise of staying in touch and a visit at Chrimbo). So too must I. I'm on holiday for a week! I shall return however. Look for me in the west on the dawning of the 24th day of this month of September! Farewell......for now! **Dramatically throws object to the ground and is envelo

Azores Hi

Azores Hi


If you don't like it, leave a comment, don't rate and run! Scared are ya? 8P

Azores Hi

Azores Hi

More of what cats are thinking!

Hello all, More of the infantile claptrap that makes up my thoughts...enjoy if you dare! More stuff on what cats think. On hot days. My god! I'm covered with black fur! Please shave me. When caught in the act. I'm not the cat you're looking for, *waves paw in Jedi fashion* Go about your business, move along. When wet. Nothing you say or do will prevent me gaining access to your lap. When I'm dry we will discuss your actions. While we wait, you should feed me. On seeing a cat of the opposite s

Azores Hi

Azores Hi

This is what cats are thinking.

This is what is going on inside your cat's head while it is standing just out of reach and you are trying to touch it; Touch my fur....................no, don't touch my fur! Touch my fur....................no don't! Go on, please...................no don't I bite Go on...no……Please! Feed me! Touch my fur! Attack! attack! Touch my Fur! And now while it is half asleep staring at you with half closed eyes (think Gollum/Smeagol) We want's it, we NEEDS it! No, can't, Master's food, musn't touch! It

Azores Hi

Azores Hi

Venting my spleen.

I wasn't going to write this at first, I couldn't really see the point. But as I thought on it, it occured to me that I probably should, just to get it off my chest and maybe to spread a bit on sense to the masses. What am I on about? I'm talking about the rash of, quite frankly, racist, bigoted and downright offensive comments posted in some threads, by some posters. I'm all for freedom of speech, I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However sometimes I wonder where people get th

Azores Hi

Azores Hi


Moist outside isn't it....bored now. I wan't to go fishing/walking/camping and stuff but I can't because it just won't stop raining, as I type it is raining so hard that the builings 50 ft away are just a blur. Oh well lets just hope it's a good winter. Anyway, not a lot happening at the moment. Life rolls ever onward as always. I saw a program about really old people (100+) last night, almost without exception they looked thoroughly bored with it all. I suppose I would be bored too with jour

Azores Hi

Azores Hi

Uninvited Guests

Little did I know that when I got my cat a few years back that I would get hundreds of free pets. The other day I was watching TV when I felt something on my arm, looking down I saw a little flea crawling across my skin. 'Calmly' and 'rationally' I made a lunge for it with the remote control. Smashing it's little body to bits. On closer inspection of our cat with a fine toothed comb I discovered he was host to a rather formidable number of the little blighters. "Ah, no wonder he's been acting

Azores Hi

Azores Hi

If Carlesberg Made Storms...

They would be the best storms in the world (probably). Much like the one I saw last night. Awesome, simply stunning. I cannot stress enough how good it was. It was great, super, immense and wonderful to behold. I saw the whole thing from the safety of my greenhouse, the perfect faraday cage I reckon and kitted out with some ice cold cans of bear and a sandwich I was very comfortable. I stayed on until the storm retreated and was rewarded with the best anvil crawler display I have ever seen.

Azores Hi

Azores Hi

Blog blog blog.

Well I haven't blogged in a while so I thought I had better write something. I was marvelling the other day about my relationship with my mother. I often get accused of not communicating enough. Leaving it weeks before phoning or getting in touch and if I'm honest it's true. I should probably value my family more and stay in touch more often. But, then I got to thinking...it's usually me who gets in touch with them in the end and I always hear the same story. YOU haven't called ME for ages.

Azores Hi

Azores Hi

Good news

After nearly three weeks of waiting (I now have no fingernails left) I officially heard that I got the job I was after, better than that, initially it's a mixture of the best bits of the job I do now and learning my new role. Happy Happy Happy

Azores Hi

Azores Hi

Still not heard

Not heard about my new job yet. Spoke to the boss today she said that I had done well, then said actually you did very well. Sounds pretty positive but I don't want to get my hopes up. They will let me know by the end of the month. More waiting then.... Other news. Is it possible to overdose on BBQs? I think that I've had one too many. Possible all that protein is bad for my digestion. I will spare you the details hmm weather looks good for next weekend. I have this one off so i think

Azores Hi

Azores Hi

Job interview

Well, I just finished my job interview, presentation went well and the interview seemed to go ok. Now my future hangs on the opinion of three people and whether or not someone better comes along. It's the waiting that gets you isn't it...... ......still not heard anything............ .......nothing yet....... ....oh god why don't they just ring me now and tell me how it went?

Azores Hi

Azores Hi

Now it's serious.

Blimey, there I am, tootling along in my life and then kerslam! (the noise which happens when important events happen in your life). I get offered the chance for promotion in my job as assistant production manager upto trainee field salesperson. Slight problem I have 7 days to prepare for an interview which will include a 10 minute presentation by me on the Issues affecting protected crop growers in Europe.(gulp) Also I think my neighbour and me are going to sell the bottom end of our gardens

Azores Hi

Azores Hi

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